The dangers of fermentable fibers (serotonin connection)
(too old to reply)
2015-10-11 07:44:08 UTC
"One of the factors promoting excess cortisol production is intestinal irritation, causing absorption of endotoxin and serotonin. Fermentable fibers (including pectins and fructooligosaccharides) support the formation of bacterial toxins, and can cause animals to become anxious and aggressive. Fed to horses, some types of fiber increase the amount of serotonin circulating in the blood. Grains, beans, and other seeds contain fermentable fibers that can promote intestinal irritation."

MORE AT: http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/serotonin-disease-aging-inflammation.shtml


Also the link explains the origin of migraines and why the ergot alkaloids (LSD) help. It's all 'bout serotonin Folks!

2015-10-13 05:03:32 UTC
Post by Taka
"One of the factors promoting excess cortisol production is intestinal irritation, causing absorption of endotoxin and serotonin. Fermentable fibers (including pectins and fructooligosaccharides) support the formation of bacterial toxins, and can cause animals to become anxious and aggressive. Fed to horses, some types of fiber increase the amount of serotonin circulating in the blood. Grains, beans, and other seeds contain fermentable fibers that can promote intestinal irritation."
MORE AT: http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/serotonin-disease-aging-inflammation.shtml
Also the link explains the origin of migraines and why the ergot alkaloids (LSD) help. It's all 'bout serotonin Folks!

2015-10-14 07:58:45 UTC
Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2005;39(4 Suppl 1):S55-60.

Migraine and irritable bowel syndrome.

Mulak A1, Paradowski L.

The association between migraine and functional gastrointestinal disorders has been confirmed by many clinical observations and epidemiological studies. In most patients during the attacks of migraine, apart from various neurological and vascular symptoms, gastrointestinal disturbances occur including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or diarrhea. Functional gastrointestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), are reported in migraine patients in periods between the attacks as well. On the other hand 23-53% of IBS patients have frequent headaches. Migraine and IBS often coexist with fibromyalgia and other chronic pain syndromes and functional disorders. Migraine and IBS affect approximately 10-20% of the general population, usually young adults. Both diseases are more prevalent in women, perhaps due to the role of estrogen in their pathogenesis. Looking for the common pathogenetic mechanisms of IBS and migraine the role of the brain-gut axis, neuroimmune and neuroendocrine interactions are being considered. The influence of stress on symptom occurrence and severity seems to be associated with hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The enteric nervous system as a source of numerous neurotransmitters and visceral reflexes is a plausible common pathogenic link between IBS and migraine. In particular serotonin being the main neurotransmitter of the gastrointestinal tract plays a relevant role in the pathogenesis of IBS as well as migraine. Nowadays, agonists and antagonists of serotoninergic receptors are the most efficacious drugs for IBS and migraine therapy. Some side effects of triptans, 5-HT(1B/D) agonists, used in migraine treatment may be connected with the influence of triptans on the gastrointestinal functions. A better understanding of the relationship between migraine and IBS may result in more effective treatment of both diseases.
PMID: 16419571

SEE ALSO: http://www.helpforheadaches.com/articles/gut-brain.htm
2015-10-18 16:45:16 UTC
Reducing Serotonin Levels

I'm not a fan of exhaustive lists that are meant to cover absolutely every possible way that some miscellaneous biochemical, of which there are a bajillion, are affected by our diet and lifestyle. Trying to simply research one of them recently, serotonin, has nearly turned my brain into scrambled eggs. Actually, that's a terrible metaphor as my brains probably look, taste, and have some nutritional similarities to scrambled eggs regardless of my current research project (snoop du jour?). But you know what I mean.

In the last post I discussed some of the dangers of serotonin. When looking at the big picture of aging, inflammation, mitochondrial respiration, metabolism - that stuff that is a recurring theme in almost all illnesses, serotonin is worthy of mention. It's not worthy of mention because it is the "happy" chemical that makes us "feel good," which is about as educationally deep as Blues Clues when describing the complexity of serotonin, but because of the many interactions it has with our cells in a very fundamental way.

Like, say, when you increase serotonin in the brain and see a reduction in ATP and a move away from oxidation and towards glycolysis (in English, this means that serotonin makes brain cells less able to produce energy properly, and put the cells into a metabolic state synonymous with aging, cancer, and neurodegeneration).

Anyway, to get back to the original point - I'm not a big fan of exhaustive lists that would make anyone who takes the information seriously completely neurotic. I am a fan of simple changes that don't really make a person a health hermit or require much effort (other than maybe reorganizing your daily rituals), that actually do make a significant difference.

Before I list some ways a person can potentially lower serotonin levels, so that this information can connect with some people who are truly negatively impacted by an excess of serotonin (and therefore have the highest likelihood of benefitting from the information noticeably), please don't make serotonin the next big, bad, wolf. It is an important substance, and its basic functions should be known and understood a lot better than they are, but remember that there really are no dietary or lifestyle one-hit wonders. Everything we do and consume and experience interacts with our physiology. Serotonin is just one lens to look through at how certain stimuli interact with our bodies. Anyway, here goes...

5 Practical Ways to Lower Serotonin...

1) Eat more digestible foods

Slow digestion with weaker digestive secretions is a feature of a reduced metabolism. This can lead to bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine (SIBO) - thought to be the predominant cause of irritable bowel syndrome, as well as yeast overgrowth and other complications. Women produce more estrogen than men, and estrogen increases serotonin and suppresses metabolic rate, which is most likely what's responsible for the far higher rates of irritable bowel syndrome in women than men (and issues that seem to have a strong connection to the gut, such as mood disorders and autoimmune disease). It doesn't take as much "health food," dieting, or overexercising to trigger IBS and other problems in a woman of reproductive age than in a man in my experience, as discussed in 180 Degree Digestion.

Anyway, the foods that exacerbate this condition, fueling greater bacterial proliferation and serotonin production (most serotonin is produced in the gut), are foods with a high-residue. These include beans, legumes, whole grains, raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit - particularly the firmer fruits and unripe bananas, and anything overly coarse and fibrous that is tougher to fully break down in the upper regions of the digestive tract. While such foods are a staple of cultures with low incidences of irritable bowel syndrome, and seem to have a protective effect over bowel diseases (probably because they yield more short-chain fatty acid production in the gut as discussed in my other work), I find that once health problems arise the theoretical superiority of "whole foods," high fiber diets, raw and unrefined foods, and so forth becomes temporarily irrelevant.

Anyway, be open about eating a highly-digestible diet featuring well-cooked, soft foods with very little fiber, particularly if you have health problems with a high probability of being caused by serotonin, such as depression, brain fog, lethargy, asthma, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome - to name a few. This usually boils down to eliminating most of the things in the diet that could be considered "health food" and opting for refined grains, strained juice instead of whole fruit, granny-style vegetables that have been cooked to a slush-like consistency, mashed potatoes, blended soups, pie, ice cream, and other nice things. Don't forget the salt. In general, the softer and easier-to-chew a food is, the easier it is to digest. But in general, minimizing digestive irritation by any means should decrease serotonin.

Note - there are other ways to look at this, for example, eating tons of raw fruit can cause your transit time to speed up so much that it doesn't have time to ferment and increase bacterial proliferation in the gut. But eating a ton of raw fruit usually makes people freezing cold and feeling pretty crummy, probably due to its high water content, and low sodium content - factors that I am discussing in a book I have due out in a few weeks.

2) Get bright light exposure as close to dawn as possible

Light, and proper circadian rhythmicity, seems key in overcoming some of the syndromes associated with serotonin such as Seasonal Affective Disorder, Sundowner's Syndrome, depression, insomnia, asthma, and just generally feeling tired and groggy in the morning. There is debate between whether bright light therapy or dawn simulation is superior. The ultimate would be to sleep outdoors, and natural dawn and dusk is perhaps why sleeping and spending more time outdoors seems to lead to so many health improvements. Likewise, for proper circadian rhythmicity, it's probably best to have LESS light exposure after sunset, especially from bright stuff you stare directly into.

3) Spend time outdoors

Along the same lines, spending time outdoors, especially early in the day, is hugely underestimated in terms of its important physiological impact. While ideas like "earthing" and exposing oneself to more negative ions seem, on the surface, to be wacky new age fads, they do have real scientific validity - validity that will probably continue to be understudied and underappreciated. You could also try using earthing mats or ionizers in your home if getting outdoors is not an option. But reliance on a gadget is certainly inferior to the whole experience of being outdoors, in bright light, doing something physically active, using the brain actively, and all the things that come with the entire outdoor experience. I hit this topic up in a post entitled 10 Health Reasons to Spend Time Outdoors a few months ago.

4) Use your brain actively

Serotonin seems to be more aligned with low brain wave activity - alpha waves and lower. Active use of the brain seems to be something that is driven by serotonin-opposing forces, like dopamine. While it's good to relax the mind from time to time with things that stimulate alpha waves and serotonin, like meditation for example, the rate of mitochondrial respiration and glucose oxidation in the brain and body is much higher when the brain is active and producing higher frequency beta waves. Of course, you can have too much of a good thing and become highly stressed and anxious with excessive beta wave production. But as a general rule, the modern world and environment triggers a lot more low brain wave activity, with a lot more passive brain use.

The worst offender is probably television, which puts the body into a high serotonin, depressive, extremely hypometabolic low alpha wave state. The average American watches something like 4 hours of television per day, and television watching is one of the most closely-tethered activities to obesity and diabetes (both associated with excess serotonin) known. But even activities that would seem to foster more active brain use like video games or internet use still have a tendency to shut down the nervous system, due to the way that cathode rays from any glowing box interact with our biology.

Activities that use real problem-solving brain power and concentration like reading, research, crossword puzzles, conversing, and writing, just to name a few common ones, are much better serotonin killaz. These activities of course build the proficiency of your brain, while serotonin is known to be directly involved in learning disorders and other varieties of cognitive impairment.

5) Tweak your aminos

Serotonin is made from tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid - one that has been found to be directly anti-metabolic, which should be no surprise if it is the precursor to the anti-metabolic serotonin. You can't avoid tryptophan. That would be more or less impossible, and you might omit some really excellent foods like milk in the process of trying to cut it out completely. But you can favor a few low-tryptophan sources to offset the high tryptophan foods that you eat. The most substantial thing you could do would be to add some broth/gelatin to your diet. Gelatin contains amino acids that seem to directly oppose the actions of tryptophan, and contains no tryptophan. Tryptophan is concentrated in muscle meats, but is not found in the bones and collagen, which are often discarded and not consumed in modern cookery (though almost always used in traditional cookery).

So eating less muscle meat and more gelatin and broth by cooking meats on the bone, roasting whole birds and consuming the juices that come out of them, and so forth is a great practice, as is making homemade gelatin candies and desserts.

Another thing you might consider doing is supplementing with branch chain amino acids, an increasingly trendy practice. The branch chain amino acids, leucine, isoleucine, and valine are commonly used to prevent muscle breakdown and trigger anabolism - effects that may have something to do with their role as a serotonin antagonist.

Anyway, those are just a few interventions. Don't get too serotonin-ed out on me. The emphasis should be on the basic health practices that we all know to be beneficial to our mood, energy levels, and overall life quality. And that is basically getting up early, going outside and doing something active, interacting with others, using the brain actively and creatively instead of having it babysat by a television, and not eating a bunch of food you don't like that upsets your stomach.

That's the one sentence summary. If that still seems too complicated, the one word summary is "LIVE."

And trust me, I know how hard that can be sometimes. Our whole society and life design is one that fosters low grade depression and lethargy, characteristic of serotonin excess. But there are simple ways to break outside of that, and forming some simple new rituals and following them with daily adherence can be very powerful.

SOURCE: http://180degreehealth.com/reducing-serotonin-levels/
2015-10-19 08:19:52 UTC
Post by Taka
Reducing Serotonin Levels
"Gut bacteria also produce hundreds of neurochemicals that the brain uses to regulate basic physiological processes as well as mental processes such as learning, memory and mood. For example, gut bacteria manufacture about 95 percent of the body's supply of serotonin, which influences both mood and GI activity.
Lyte, in a 2011 BioEssays paper, proposed a neurochemical "delivery system" by which gut bacteria, such as probiotics, can send messages to the brain. Gut bacteria both produce and respond to the same neurochemicals--such as GABA, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, acetylcholine and melatonin--that the brain uses to regulate mood and cognition. Such neurochemicals probably allow the brain to tune its behavior to the feedback it receives from the army of bacteria in the gut."

MORE: http://www.apa.org/monitor/2012/09/gut-feeling.aspx


Fiber + probiotics = migraine

(especially those low in dopamine)

2015-10-19 08:21:45 UTC
Post by Taka
Fiber + probiotics = migraine
(especially those low in dopamine)

