Low fat diets may be harmful
(too old to reply)
2015-03-28 01:45:01 UTC
This one is a big one...

"The diet-heart idea - the notion that saturated fats and cholesterol cause heart disease - is the greatest scientific deception of our times...The public is being deceived by the greatest health scam of the century,"

More evidence that the old data is being proven wrong. Because it was repeated over and over, it became fact.

This brings into question... what other health "facts" are based on false assumptions.

Of all the stupid scientific hypotheses of the twentieth century the idea that fat/saturated fat causes heart disease - or any other disease - is by all possible measures the most stupid. It is the most stupid because it has driven dietary advice to eat more and more carbohydrates a.k.a 'sugars.' Anyone who understood anything about human biochemistry and physiology could tell you what this would do

1: Cause millions upon millions of people to get fatter and fatter

2: Cause millions upon millions of people to become diabetic

3: Cause millions upon millions of diabetics to completely lose control of their sugar and fat metabolism, get even fatter and die prematurely

All of these things have happened, exactly as could have been predicted. Yet, our esteemed experts still propagate the dangerous myth that saturated fat is bad for us and we should stuff ourselves with carbohydrates instead.

MORE: http://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2014/12/22/are-some-diets-mass-murder/
John H. Gohde
2015-03-28 14:57:27 UTC
Post by Taka
This one is a big one...
"The diet-heart idea - the notion that saturated fats and cholesterol cause heart disease - is the greatest scientific deception of our times...The public is being deceived by the greatest health scam of the century,"
More evidence that the old data is being proven wrong. Because it was repeated over and over, it became fact.
This brings into question... what other health "facts" are based on false assumptions.
Of all the stupid scientific hypotheses of the twentieth century the idea that fat/saturated fat causes heart disease - or any other disease - is by all possible measures the most stupid. It is the most stupid because it has driven dietary advice to eat more and more carbohydrates a.k.a 'sugars.' Anyone who understood anything about human biochemistry and physiology could tell you what this would do
1: Cause millions upon millions of people to get fatter and fatter
2: Cause millions upon millions of people to become diabetic
3: Cause millions upon millions of diabetics to completely lose control of their sugar and fat metabolism, get even fatter and die prematurely
All of these things have happened, exactly as could have been predicted. Yet, our esteemed experts still propagate the dangerous myth that saturated fat is bad for us and we should stuff ourselves with carbohydrates instead.
MORE: http://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2014/12/22/are-some-diets-mass-murder/
What a pultz!

My how Taka babbles on so.

Je suis Moi, posted from Mint.

«⊙¿⊙» Says that Taka is a few beers short of a six-pack. :)
