Muslim refugees in Europe pissed because free food given to them is not halal!!!
(too old to reply)
2015-08-30 10:43:54 UTC
2015-08-31 01:11:49 UTC
Post by Taka

Smart strategy how to destroy the Europe, brought to you by ISIS ...
2015-08-31 01:26:54 UTC
Post by Taka
Someone ought to ask them "What do you expect if you come to a place where there is very little halal food?",
2015-08-31 02:19:16 UTC
Well, muslims don't use the pill and other anticonception means and consume a lot of fertilizers like spices, sugar & PUFA rich oils. Hence they will expand in numbers exponentially and overgrow the aging population of Europe. Moreover, the caucasian and gentile females pissed off by the Illuminati are joining the ISIS and breed a new aggressive fighter race with them. The US soldiers hiding behind their drone cockpits cannot stop them. The most powerful weapon is the population bomb and the power of evolution ....
John H. Gohde
2015-08-31 16:21:12 UTC
Post by Taka
Well, muslims don't use the pill and other anticonception means and consume a lot of fertilizers like spices, sugar & PUFA rich oils. Hence they will expand in numbers exponentially and overgrow the aging population of Europe. Moreover, the caucasian and gentile females pissed off by the Illuminati are joining the ISIS and breed a new aggressive fighter race with them. The US soldiers hiding behind their drone cockpits cannot stop them. The most powerful weapon is the population bomb and the power of evolution ....
What in the world are you smoking, Taka?
2015-09-02 15:04:32 UTC
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Taka
Well, muslims don't use the pill and other anticonception means and consume a lot of fertilizers like spices, sugar & PUFA rich oils. Hence they will expand in numbers exponentially and overgrow the aging population of Europe. Moreover, the caucasian and gentile females pissed off by the Illuminati are joining the ISIS and breed a new aggressive fighter race with them. The US soldiers hiding behind their drone cockpits cannot stop them. The most powerful weapon is the population bomb and the power of evolution ....
What in the world are you smoking, Taka?
For your Moi German speaker:


Don't ya want to immigrate back to home, to get the real thing for free, Jack?


In an interview with the Munich local newspaper "Mercury" Wagner declared its proposal in more detail: "The idea came when a friend of mine told me that in his village 100 asylum seekers arrive and now have a lot of fear that so many men could harass the women in the village Whether justified or not. These fears will I encounter so because they are there "..
The minister wants to breastfeed by his idea the sexual needs, for far nothing would be done. "In our society, we still have prostitution, which is supposed to be a recognized profession, the newspapers and the Internet are full of ads," says Wagner against the "Merkur".
Unpaid services by means of supporters model
The brothels could so do a "good deed". "In the morning there is not much going on anyway, I suppose," he told the newspaper. To be financed through the whole thing a "circle of supporters." However, detailed information on financing allowed the pastor openly....

So it's to stop them raping the local women! What next - free children and goats for when there are no women available?
2015-09-03 16:18:45 UTC

2015-09-04 06:17:26 UTC

While US officials are jerking off watching ISIS destroy Syria and telling it's own people to fear ISIS on American soil and blablablabla....

Russia is sending fucking fighter jets and troops to seek and destroy those fucking ISIS assholes.

Tells a lot about your country guys...
2015-09-04 08:54:04 UTC
Post by Taka
While US officials are jerking off watching ISIS destroy Syria and telling it's own people to fear ISIS on American soil and blablablabla....
Russia is sending fucking fighter jets and troops to seek and destroy those fucking ISIS assholes.
Tells a lot about your country guys...
"Russia has frequently warned of major problems which Europe would face as a result of Western policies in the Middle East and North Africa and jihadist groups terrorizing people, so the current refugee crisis in the EU doesn't come as a surprise, said the President of Russia.

"We in Russia, and me personally a few years ago, said it straight that pervasive problems would emerge, if our so-called Western partners continue maintaining their flawed ... foreign policy, especially in the regions of the Muslim world, Middle East, North Africa, which they pursue to date," said Putin.

The only way to reverse the refugee flow streaming into Europe is to help people resolve problems at home. And the first step should be by creating a common and united front against jihadist groups such as Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and fighting them at their core."

MORE: http://www.rt.com/news/314318-putin-vladivostok-eu-migrants/
2015-09-08 01:19:39 UTC
Russian submarine with 20 ICBMs and 200 nuclear warheads is sailing to Syria

The world's largest submarine, the Dmitri Donskoy (TK-208), Nato-coded Typhoon, has set sail for the Mediterranean and is destined for the Syrian coast, debkafile reports exclusively from its military and intelligence sources. Aboard the sub are 20 Bulava (NATO-code SS-N-30) intercontinental ballistic missiles with an estimated up to 200 nuclear warheads. Each missile, with a reported range of 10,000km, carries 6-10 MIRV nuclear warheads.

The Russian sub set sail from its North Sea base on Sept. 4, escorted by two anti-sub warfare ships. Their arrival at destination in 10 days time will top up the new Russian military deployment in Syria.

President Vladimir Putin's introduction of a nuclear force opposite Syrian shores builds up what first looked like an operation to fortify Assad's regime in Damascus into a military expedition capable of an air and sea confrontation with US forces in the Middle East.
US Secretary of State John Kerry suggested as much Saturday, Sept. 5, when he expressed concern over reports of Russia's "increasing military build-up in Syria" in a phone call to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The State Department reported: "The Secretary made clear that if such reports were accurate, these actions could further escalate the conflict, lead to greater loss of innocent life, increase refugee flows and risk confrontation with the anti-ISIL coalition operation in Syria."

Kerry was referring to potential Russian interference with US-led coalition air strikes against the Islamic State in Syria.

debkafile's sources in Washington and Moscow report that the dispatch of a nuclear sub to Syrian waters is taken as a strong message that the Kremlin will not let the US impede its military intervention in the Syrian conflict and will go to extreme lengths to keep the way open for the flow of Russian troops to the war-torn country.

This situation has gone a long way beyond Obama administration intentions when US-Russian talks were initially held for US forces posted in Turkey and Iraq, together with the Russian troops arriving in Syria, to launch a combined effort against the Islamic State. Those talks came to naught.
In its coming issue out Friday, Sept. 11, DEBKA Weekly 678 will reveal for the first time how Putin intends to array the Russian forces he is consigning to Syria, their operational planning, their military coordination with Iran and, above all, how the new Russian intervention in Syria may impact US Middle East policy and Israel.

SOURCE: http://www.debka.com/article/24873/Russian-submarine-with-20-ICBMs-and-200-nuclear-warheads-is-sailing-to-Syria

2015-09-04 14:28:31 UTC
Post by Taka
Deutschland unter Allah!
Welcome to the new caliphate of Deutschland!!
That dumbass kraut Merkel practically invited the muzzie jihadists to permanently have their base in Germany.

MORE: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2947038/pg1
2015-09-07 06:25:27 UTC
German Girls Must Cover Arms and Legs to Appease Syrian "Refugees"

So many nonwhite invaders from the Middle East have entered Germany over the past few months that a school headmaster in Bavaria has been forced to ask female pupils to cover up their arms and legs--for their own protection against local Syrian "refugees."

In a letter sent to parents, Martin Thalhammer, head of the Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium in the town of Pocking, Bavaria--which has a normal population of around 15,000--female pupils have been asked to refrain from wearing "revealing clothes" because "refugee accommodation" has been set up next to the school's gym.

Hundreds of Syrians have been housed in Pocking, part of a plan by the German government to cope with the 202,815 "asylum seekers" who invaded that country in 2014, and the expected 400,000 "asylum" applications anticipated this year.

The Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium headmaster's letter warned the students against wearing immodest clothes, and announced that the school's gym had been shut down--and the Physical Education (PE) classes normally held there moved to a neighboring primary school.

"The Syrian citizens are mainly Muslims and speak Arabic. The refugees are marked by their own culture. Because our school is directly next to where they are staying, modest clothing should be adhered to. Revealing tops or blouses, shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings."

The "misunderstandings" to which the letter refers are, of course, sexual attacks upon the white girls, as has happened everywhere else where Third World males have been allowed free rein in European communities.

For example, in Sweden, the number of nonwhite rapes of white females has risen so dramatically that that nation has now been officially classified as the "Rape Capital of the West" and is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa.

The headmaster also informed parents about additional security measures.

"For the refugees, access to the school gardens and buildings is strictly forbidden. The same goes for the school grounds during the day. The number of teachers on duty during breaks has been increased," he wrote.

Incredibly, Thalhammer then went on to threaten the white children in the letter: the pupils are told to refrain from "direct eyeballing, ogling or taking pictures," and concluded with "Derogatory or racial remarks cannot be tolerated in any way."

According to Die Welt newspaper, Thalhammer's letter was "not favorably received by some parents, but a local politician, who did not want to be named, told that newspaper that the move was "absolutely necessary."

"When Muslim teenage boys go to open air swimming pools, they are overwhelmed when they see girls in bikinis," he said.

"These boys, who come from a culture where it is frowned upon for women to show naked skin, follow girls and bother them without realizing. Obviously this is concerning for us," he said.

SOURCE: http://newobserveronline.com/german-girls-must-cover-arms-and-legs-to-appease-syrian-refugees/
2015-09-07 07:59:20 UTC
You remember all those cool Disney movies about the Arab princes with harems? Do you know what a harem is? It's a collection of Christian women that have been captured by a Muslim male and subjected to slavery. No women in a harem are traditional 'we met and fell in love' wives. They're not even 'I traded a goat and a pair of Adidas for her' wives. They're kidnapped slaves. Victims. All non-Muslim.

Why do it this way? One man can obviously impregnate as many women as he can screw. When you invade a land, getting rid of the men is only half the battle - you also impregnable their women to repopulate the land with more of yourself. So they invade, kidnap, kill and rape until the indigenous culture is gone. Why do you think there's so much cheering and dancing once they get to where they're going? They know EXACTLY what's about to happen. Very shortly they're get to fuck all the white women they can capture.

That is what is happening to Europe. This is the entire premise of the dark ages. This is why there was a fucking Christian Crusade. It took a thousand years to stop this nightmare last time it happened. Only bad part this time is that there are no Christians with the conviction or balls to fight them. Even the pope is capitulating.

They're just finishing what they started all those years ago. This is what happens when you don't know history. Not to be dramatic, but based on the last outcome, this is very possibly the end of civilization. We don't know how to fight this kind of war. We haven't the resolve or the stomach for it. The answer is nearly unspeakable in modern society. By the time we figure it out, then come to terms with what must be done, it'll all be long over.

Welcome to hell.

SOURCE: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2948699/pg1
2015-09-08 01:16:33 UTC

2015-09-08 15:48:36 UTC

The Invasion Of Europe ~ People Welcoming Their Own End:

2015-09-16 13:29:50 UTC
BEFORE he fired the shot, the Einsatzgruppe commander lifted the Jewish child in the air and said, "You must die so that we can live." As the killing proceeded, other Germans rationalized the murder of Jewish children in the same way: them or us.

Today we think of the Nazi Final Solution as some dark apex of high technology. It was in fact the killing of human beings at close range during a war for resources. The war that brought Jews under German control was fought because Hitler believed that Germany needed more land and food to survive and maintain its standard of living -- and that Jews, and their ideas, posed a threat to his violent expansionist program.

The Holocaust may seem a distant horror whose lessons have already been learned. But sadly, the anxieties of our own era could once again give rise to scapegoats and imagined enemies, while contemporary environmental stresses could encourage new variations on Hitler's ideas, especially in countries anxious about feeding their growing populations or maintaining a rising standard of living.

The quest for German domination was premised on the denial of science. Hitler's alternative to science was the idea of Lebensraum. Germany needed an Eastern European empire because only conquest, and not agricultural technology, offered the hope of feeding the German people. In Hitler's "Second Book," which was composed in 1928 and not published until after his death, he insisted that hunger would outstrip crop improvements and that all "the scientific methods of land management" had already failed. No conceivable improvement would allow Germans to be fed "from their own land and territory," he claimed. Hitler specifically -- and wrongly -- denied that irrigation, hybrids and fertilizers could change the relationship between people and land.

The pursuit of peace and plenty through science, he claimed in "Mein Kampf," was a Jewish plot to distract Germans from the necessity of war. "It is always the Jew," argued Hitler, "who seeks and succeeds in implanting such lethal ways of thinking."

As exotic as it sounds, the concept of Lebensraum is less distant from our own ways of thinking than we believe. Germany was blockaded during World War I, dependent on imports of agricultural commodities and faced real uncertainties about its food supply. Hitler transformed these fears into a vision of absolute conquest for total security. Lebensraum linked a war of extermination to the improvement of lifestyle. The chief Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, could therefore define the purpose of a war of extermination as "a big breakfast, a big lunch and a big dinner." He conflated lifestyle with life.

To expand Germany's Lebensraum, Hitler aimed to seize Ukraine from the Soviet Union, starve 30 million Eastern Europeans and transfer the food to Germany. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, the campaign had two major aims: the control of fertile Ukrainian soil and the destruction of Jews living there. It was this invasion that placed defenseless Jewish children at the mercy of the murderous Einsatzgruppen.

Climate change threatens to provoke a new ecological panic. So far, poor people in Africa and the Middle East have borne the brunt of the suffering.

The mass murder of at least 500,000 Rwandans in 1994 followed a decline in agricultural production for several years before. Hutus killed Tutsis not only out of ethnic hatred, but to take their land, as many genocidaires later admitted.

In Sudan, drought drove Arabs into the lands of African pastoralists in 2003. The Sudanese government sided with the Arabs and pursued a policy of eliminating the Zaghawa, Masalit and Fur peoples in Darfur and surrounding regions.

Climate change has also brought uncertainties about food supply back to the center of great power politics. China today, like Germany before the war, is an industrial power incapable of feeding its population from its own territory, and is thus dependent on unpredictable international markets.

This could make China's population susceptible to a revival of ideas like Lebensraum. The Chinese government must balance a not-so-distant history of starving its own population with today's promise of ever-increasing prosperity -- all while confronting increasingly unfavorable environmental conditions. The danger is not that the Chinese might actually starve to death in the near future, any more than Germans would have during the 1930s. The risk is that a developed country able to project military power could, like Hitler's Germany, fall into ecological panic, and take drastic steps to protect its existing standard of living.

How might such a scenario unfold? China is already leasing a tenth of Ukraine's arable soil, and buying up food whenever global supplies tighten. During the drought of 2010, Chinese panic buying helped bring bread riots and revolution to the Middle East. The Chinese leadership already regards Africa as a long-term source of food. Although many Africans themselves still go hungry, their continent holds about half of the world's untilled arable land. Like China, the United Arab Emirates and South Korea are interested in Sudan's fertile regions -- and they have been joined by Japan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia in efforts to buy or lease land throughout Africa.

Nations in need of land would likely begin with tactfully negotiated leases or purchases; but under conditions of stress or acute need, such agrarian export zones could become fortified colonies, requiring or attracting violence.

Hitler spread ecological panic by claiming that only land would bring Germany security and by denying the science that promised alternatives to war. By polluting the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, the United States has done more than any other nation to bring about the next ecological panic, yet it is the only country where climate science is still resisted by certain political and business elites. These deniers tend to present the empirical findings of scientists as a conspiracy and question the validity of science -- an intellectual stance that is uncomfortably close to Hitler's.

The full consequences of climate change may reach America only decades after warming wreaks havoc in other regions. And by then it will be too late for climate science and energy technology to make any difference. Indeed, by the time the door is open to the demagogy of ecological panic in the United States, Americans will have spent years spreading climate disaster around the world.

THE European Union, by contrast, takes global warming very seriously, but its existence is under threat. As Africa and the Middle East continue to warm and wars rage, economic migrants and war refugees are making perilous journeys to flee to Europe. In response, European populists have called for the strict enforcement of national borders and the end of the union. Many of these populist parties are supported by Russia, which is openly pursuing a divide-and-conquer policy with the aim of bringing about European disintegration.

Russia's 2014 intervention in Ukraine has already shattered the peaceful order that Europeans had come to take for granted. The Kremlin, which is economically dependent on the export of hydrocarbons to Europe, is now seeking to make gas deals with individual European states one by one in order to weaken European unity and expand its own influence. Meanwhile, President Vladimir V. Putin waxes nostalgic for the 1930s, while Russian nationalists blame gays, cosmopolitans and Jews for antiwar sentiment. None of this bodes well for Europe's future -- or Russia's.

When mass killing is on the way, it won't announce itself in the language we are familiar with. The Nazi scenario of 1941 will not reappear in precisely the same form, but several of its causal elements have already begun to assemble.

It is not difficult to imagine ethnic mass murder in Africa, which has already happened; or the triumph of a violent totalitarian strain of Islamism in the parched Middle East; or a Chinese play for resources in Africa or Russia or Eastern Europe that involves removing the people already living there; or a growing global ecological panic if America abandons climate science or the European Union falls apart.

Today we confront the same crucial choice between science and ideology that Germans once faced. Will we accept empirical evidence and support new energy technologies, or allow a wave of ecological panic to spread across the world?

Denying science imperils the future by summoning the ghosts of the past.

SOURCE: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/09/13/opinion/sunday/the-next-genocide.html
2015-09-17 03:41:49 UTC
Here's the clock. 8 days to go. We haven't quite reached the chaos part yet, but the way things are going, it will be full blown anarchy in a week.


To get more people from the south to Europe, because if the climate changes so, as it did this year, the summer will get more warm and normal Europeans cannot work so good in hot summer - one aspect for the imigration?


Like in the deep past when the migrants out of Africa rode the Neanderthals to extinction ... Now it's time for the Gentiles in Europe!
2015-09-17 04:09:03 UTC
Ban the Intolerant and Anti-Islamic event of Oktoberfest

Dear City council of Munich,

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention something that I
and many Muslims believe is unfair and requires attention. I would like to inform you that the Oktoberfest is an Intolerant and Anti-Islamic event. We tried to ignore the event, but there too many Un-Islamic acts done at the Oktoberfest. Such as alcohol consumption, public nudity etc.

We understand that the Oktoberfest is a yearly German tradition, but we, Muslims, can not tolerate this Un-Islamic event, because it offends us and all Muslims on the earth. We are requesting the immediate cancellation of the upcoming Oktoberfest event.

We also believe that the Oktoberfest might also offend all the Muslim refugees coming from Syria, Iraq,
Afghanistan. The cancellation of the Oktoberfest event will help refugees not to forget their Islamic history. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Morad Almuradi

SOURCE: https://www.change.org/p/city-of-munich-ban-the-intolerant-and-anti-islamic-event-of-oktoberfest
2015-09-17 12:50:04 UTC

An explosive document released by top social welfare organizations in Germany reveals evidence that migrants at a refugee camp in Hessen are raping women and children, while also allegedly forcing women into prostitution.

The document was made public by LFR (Landesfrauenrat) Hessen, Der Paritätische Hessen, Pro Familia Hessen and the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Hessischer Frauenbüros.

It asserts that women and children at a migrant camp in Hessen are being sexually molested by Muslim "refugees" on such a regular basis that they are afraid to go to the bathroom at night and have to remain fully clothed when they sleep.

Women who are not accompanied by men are considered easy prey, with some allegedly being forced into prostitution. The groups behind the letter are calling for women and children to be segregated from male migrants.

Infowars talked to German correspondent Alexander Benesch who translated the document and confirmed its content.

"This is an open letter from a few big organizations to the government of Hessen (one of the 16 regional parts of Germany)," wrote Benesch. "It is about an internment facility in Hessen where they initially put the refugees for further processing. It mentions a lack of security for women and children, leading to rape, molestation and (reportedly but not verified) forced prostitution."

Benesch added that the groups who released the document, "count among the biggest organizations of their kind," and that Pro Familia Hessen is a "household name" in Germany.

"Mainstream media coverage of this is scarce, because it embarrasses the government of Hessen and it embarrasses Berlin," said Benesch.

The story has been covered by Hessenschau.de and Deutschelandfunk.de.

The document directly challenges the media narrative behind the refugee crisis, which has refused to acknowledge any of the negative aspects of allowing potentially millions of Muslim migrants to settle in Europe.

Last week, a 7-year-old girl was raped by a north African migrant in a German park, a story that has received little media attention.

Since nearby Sweden opened its doors to mass immigration, the country has become the rape capital of the west, with cases skyrocketing by 1400%. Around 77.6% of the rapists are identified as "foreigners".

As we reported last week, a school in Germany which turned over its nearby gymnasium to house migrantsis warning girls not to wear shorts or skirts so as not to offend migrants and provoke "attacks".

Germany plans to accept 800,000 migrants before the end of the year. In what many complained was a measure that should have been implemented weeks ago, the country re-imposed border controls yesterday.

The video below, which has received over a million views on YouTube despite being "age-restricted," reveals a dark side to the behavior of the migrants that is not being broadcast on major western TV networks.

SOURCE: http://www.geopolintelligence.com/report-muslim-migrants-raping-women-children-at-german-refugee-camp/
2015-09-17 13:01:29 UTC
This refugee crisis is a plan for Islam to take over the west.once their number reaches critical mass of the population ,they will be demanding sharia law....ON ALL OF US!!!! They will be the new majority and will vote their people into power....it's already been happening in the USA with the infiltration on Muslim extremists on every government level(think presedent ).this has been obama the fucking Islamic in the closets plan all along....THIS IS THE BEGGINING OF THE END.....Germany has already bowed down to Islam,I wonder which countries will fight for survival?so far it only looks like the Eastern European nations are fighting back.but let's face it,it's Western Europe that the Muslims are after and with all the political correction and human rights being championed in the west,they don't stand a chance!

they outbreed whities
25 years and you are cooked.
5 or 8 kids

25 years

SOURCE: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2958613/pg1
2015-09-17 13:05:59 UTC

2015-09-18 16:28:12 UTC
Post by Taka

2015-09-19 01:42:27 UTC
Post by Taka
Post by Taka
Loading Image...:large

Syrian passports are being mass produced, on routes to Europe. Pay the fee and youre now a refugee from Damascus.

Europe better wake up fast and smell whats cookin..
2015-09-19 01:52:24 UTC

In an address delivered at the Al-Aqsa Mosque (one of the leading Muslim Mosques in the world), Sheikh Muhammad Ayed says that the European countries are not motivated by compassion toward the refugees, but by their need for labor and fertility. "We shall conquer their countries," he declared in the address, which was posted on the Internet on September 11, 2015.

If you can't stand listening to this Muzzie sh*t head for two minutes, jump to the 1:40 minute mark to see him tell his followers that the western nations want many more Muzzies to invade their lands for 'their fertility'.

BO and Muslim sympathizers and leaders around the world are selling the benefit of the Muzzie invasion to the West because they will provide a high breeding rate for the West to maintain their populations.

Obama makes no reference to the horror of this invasion by taking away the nation's culture, replacing their court system with Sharia Law and the tormenting of westerners with their evil and Satanic practices against women, homosexuals, Christians, capitalists and the way of life that we have come to love.

The takeover of the West is in full swing and the NWO is using the Muzzie practice of multiple wives and dozens of children per family to conquer our world. We are now powerless to protect ourselves from our own elected leaders.

And the stupid female millennials will listen to the media when they are told to spread their legs and let the Muzzies drop their evil seed. They are too stupid to know that once a child is half Muzzie, the western mother will either have to convert to Islam or eventually lose their child. And our governments will now always support the spread is Islam.

You want doom? You got it--one drop of sperm at a time!
2015-09-20 02:20:05 UTC
"Gatestone Institute" shows that Germany is sieged by real plague of rape. For example, in Munich 80 percent of migrants are young men who want to have access to women. For sex with asylum-seekers pay 10 euros. "We are the biggest brothel in Munich" - says a social worker who takes care of immigrants.

In Bavarian Mering recently 16-year-old girl was raped . Police warned all parents: do not let your children alone with homes! Yes - until recently the German youth in Mering could lead a normal life. Today, everything is different. "When Muslim teenagers go to the pool, they are amazed to see girls in bikinis. Those boys who come from cultures where women are forbidden to show bare skin, they will go for these girls and engage them [...] It is, of course, raises fear "- he says Bavarian politician quoted by" Die Welt ".

2015-09-20 02:23:00 UTC
Post by Taka
Post by Taka

2015-09-22 01:39:29 UTC
The Muzzies are already in Americas as well:


and this quack isn't gonna save you from them either:


What putz that Gohde be, LOL
2015-09-25 06:30:02 UTC
Post by Taka
Post by Taka
Post by Taka

2015-10-09 03:01:30 UTC
Horrible: German Doctor tells all about deplorable muslims who expect free everything, and become violent and stab doctors when they don't get it-and to boot press can't write about it and nothing is done to these animals.....



A Czech doctor, who works in a German hospital, is so disgusted and overwhelmed with the Muslim migrant invaders that she is threatening to leave the country and go back home to the Czech Republic. She explains, via an email letter (because the press is forbidden from reporting on this), how horrific the conditions are in these hospitals, with the Muslim invaders bringing diseases they weren't even prepared to treat. But that's just part of it. The superior attitudes of these Muslims and their belief that they should get everything for free is wreaking havoc everywhere, from the hospitals to the pharmacies.....

Until now, the number of unemployed in Germany was 2.2 million. Now it will be at least 3.5 million. Most of these people are completely unemployable. A bare minimum of them have any education...Hundreds of thousands of them have brought along infants and little kids under six, many emaciated and neglected..

..then meets young men in the hallways who just wait with their hand outstretched, want everything for free, and when they don't get it they throw a fit...

The physician had to undergo surgery and two nurses are laid up in the ICU. Nobody has been punished.

If the Germans, with their nature cannot handle this, there in Czechia it would be total chaos. Nobody who has not come in contact with them has no idea what kind of animals they are, especially the ones from Africa, and how Muslims act superior to our staff, regarding their religious accommodation.

MORE: http://therightscoop.com/must-watch-whistleblower-doctor-explains-horrific-reality-dealing-with-muslim-invaders-in-germany
2015-10-09 08:45:20 UTC
ALERT! Fox contributer visits Europe and reports back that it's NOT a migrant situation, it IS an invasion!!!

BILL O'REILLY (HOST): Vienna, Salzburg and Berlin. Those three cities are now experiencing the migrant invasion from Syria and other countries in North Africa and the Middle East. What did you see?

MONICA CROWLEY: These are pictures that I took at the main train station in Vienna, which is the main waystation on the way to Germany for all of these refugees, very few of whom are actually staying in Austria, they're all moving on to Germany. What I saw, Bill, is not a migrant crisis. This is an invasion. Are there some folks who are trying to flee war and persecution in Syria? Probably. But what I saw backs up the stats, which is that 80 percent of the people coming into central Europe are fighting-age males. They are men between the ages of 18 and 45. I saw very few women and very few children.

O'REILLY: Really, and in all three depots?


O'REILLY: Now, why are they going to Germany? I mean, Austria is a nice country, why wouldn't they stay in Vienna?

CROWLEY: Austria is beautiful, but Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, threw wide open the doors to these -- to these so-called refugees, and said you're more than welcome in Germany.

O'REILLY: All right, so this -- and they need workers in Germany because the population is aging, and that's one of the reasons why Merkel did what she did. Was it out of control there, when you were there?

CROWLEY: When I was in Vienna they had it pretty well organized. It wasn't a chaotic scene of the kinds we've seen before, because they have it pretty well under control. But upwards of 10,000 to 12,000 of these Muslims are coming in to the Vienna train station every single day, Bill. They have no intention of assimilating. I talked to a number of folks who were volunteers, International Red Cross people on the ground trying to help them. What they have said is that there's a security problem now in these communities where these camps are and where these transit points are. These men are carrying weapons, they're bringing weapons into the country, mostly knives. But they're threatening to people who are trying to help them. There's a security issue in terms of rapes happening there, child abuse, theft. So they've upped the military and police presence. But the Germans and Austrians I talked to who are close, who live close to these areas, are saying now our personal security is being threatened. Our wives can't walk alone at night. We can't send our kids on the buses to school because these roving gangs are moving all around.

O'REILLY: All right, thank you, Monica.

CROWLEY: It's a very serious situation, and it is an invasion.

VIDEO: http://mediamatters.org/video/2015/10/07/fox-contributor-says-refugees-in-europe-are-an/

It's the Trojan Horse of Trojan Horses. No doubt, organized and coordinated by TPTB...
2015-10-14 05:27:21 UTC


In the latest incident of America's immigrant sex crime epidemic, Minnesota authorities charged Somali man Ahmed Hersi Abdi with two degrees of first-degree sexual misconduct for allegedly raping a 10-year-old girl in her apartment.

Somali witness reportedly heard blood-curdling screams from the hallway and found the victim undressed and crying. Shocked, they sought out two off-duty cops working security nearby.

The victim told police Abdi followed her into the elevator and up to the third floor hallway. The stranger asked for the victim's name and shook her hand. When she tried to let go, she says he held on to her, demanded she turn around and pull down her pants, and raped her. In a stroke of criminal genius America has come to expect from its imported Third World rape culture, Abdi was unaware of the surveillance tape in the elevator and didn't change his clothes after allegedly assaulting his victim. Police later found him in St. Paul.

Police and local media rushed to reassure indigenous Minnesotans that child rape is in not indicative of immigration policy failure and that capturing an imported child rapist is proof of its success.

"The Somalian community who came across this girl in crisis stepped up and helped her," Minneapolis Police Dept. spokesperson John Elder said. "They trusted the officers enough to get them, to bring them into this situation to provide aid."

Somali community leader Mohamud Noor blamed Americans for not giving enough money to Abdi. One Somali community member raping another community member is not the fault of the Somali community, he explained.

MORE: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/10/13/imported-rape-culture-somalian-refugee-charged-with-rape-of-10-year-old-girl/
2015-10-15 07:55:56 UTC
Angela Merkel has the hots for these guys:

2015-10-15 07:57:11 UTC
Two Libyan soldiers jailed for raping man in Cambridge

Moktar Ali Saad Mahmoud and Ibrahim Abugtila sentenced to 12 years each for raping and aiding and abetting the rape of the man in his 20s

Two Libyan soldiers stationed in the UK who acted like "hunting dogs" have each been sentenced to 12 years in jail for raping a man in Cambridge.

Moktar Ali Saad Mahmoud, 33, and Ibrahim Abugtila, 23, were found guilty of raping and aiding and abetting the rape of the man in his 20s in Christ's Pieces park in October.

They were arrested while training at Bassingbourn Barracks in Cambridgeshire as part of an agreement by the British government to help Libya after the 2011 collapse of Muammar Gaddafi's regime.

Cambridge crown court heard how the pair targeted a victim who was drunk and vulnerable after a night out. DI Alan Page, who led the investigation, said: "This was a truly horrendous crime and I hope today's result will allow the victim some closure and to begin rebuilding his life.

"He has shown tremendous bravery throughout this whole process and I am grateful to him for the trust he placed in police in ensuring that justice was done. These men deliberately targeted their victim because of his vulnerability that night, which they took advantage of to commit this callous crime."

Mahmoud and Abugtila denied attacking the man but were caught on CCTV leading him to the park after meeting him after a night out. Prosecutor John Farmer said they "picked off" their victim, who was drunk and vulnerable, like a "wounded animal".

The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told officers: "I cannot believe what I'm saying - they raped me. It was horrible, I feel horrible. Don't say anything to my mum."

The men were among several hundred Libyan army cadets on a training mission with the Ministry of Defence. After the sexual offences, the scheme - intended to train 2,000 troops to bring security to the north African state - came to an end.

In a later interview, he said "three Arab guys" raped him. Describing them as "animals", he added: "I was trying my hardest. I was trying my hardest and they were like overpowering me."

The man told officers: "They were horrendous, they weren't human. They weren't human people. They were horrendous people, they were sick people. They don't deserve to live, they shouldn't be alive."

Three other Libyans cadets have already admitted unrelated sex attacks which took place on the same night in Cambridge. They were sentenced at Norwich crown court on 13 May but this could not be reported until the rape case was concluded.

Khaled El Azibi, 19, admitted two counts of sexual assault and the theft of a bicycle, and was jailed for 12 months and put on the sex offender register for 10 years.

Naji El Maarfi, 21, admitted three counts of sexual assault, one count of exposure and the theft of a bicycle. He was jailed 10 months and put on the sex offender register for 10 years.

Mohammed Abdalsalam, 28, admitted two counts of sexual assault, one count of using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour and the theft of a bicycle. He was jailed for 10 months and put on the sex offender register for 10 years.

The men accosted women in Cambridge city centre, Cambridgeshire police said. The victims were all teenagers and the attacks included trying to kiss a woman without consent and then sexually assaulting her. El Maarfi exposed himself to one of the women.

At the time of the assaults, the disorder was so serious that police stepped up patrols around the Bassingbourn base to ease fears among residents of a nearby village of more "escapes" and attacks.

The base was also reinforced with troops from 2 Scots, the Royal Highland Fusiliers, "to bolster security and reassure the local population", the MoD said at the time.

Lewis Herbert, the leader of Cambridge city council, called on the defence secretary to issue a public apology to the victims and their families. "They also deserve a clear promise from the Ministry of Defence that it will not repeat the multiple, catastrophic errors in any future programmes for UK training of overseas troops from wartorn countries, whichever UK barracks or location is used," he said.

"Never again should the Ministry of Defence keep details of troop visits secret from communities affected like Cambridge. Never again should the MoD carefully produce a risk assessment requiring all visits to 'places of local interest' to be escorted and then, as occurred in August 2015, flagrantly break it and allow totally unsupervised visits to cities like Cambridge, putting our people or other British citizens at risk."

SOURCE: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/may/15/two-libyan-soldiers-jailed-for-raping-man-in-cambridge
2015-10-18 12:19:47 UTC
Well ...

2015-10-18 12:57:56 UTC
'Convert or die' ISIS graffiti jihadis declare first European 'caliphate'

ISLAMIC State graffiti has appeared in a European city as sympathisers of the group claim "the caliphate is here".

The terror group's logo was daubed on the wall of a restaurant in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Chilling messages such as "convert or die" and "the caliphate is here" were also found covering the outside of Markus Samuelsson's bakery.

"I felt a sudden chill down my spine. It's terribly painful, we feel threatened," Samuelsson said.

The Arabic letter for "N" - which has been used to identify Christians and drive them out of their homes by ISIS fighters - was also painted on the restaurant.

Gothenburg is a hotbed for jihadist recruiting, terrorism expert Magnus Ranstorp described it as "the Swedish Centre for Jihadists".

Cops have launched a probe into the incident and will no doubt be on high alert in fear of a potential attack.

It was reported by local media earlier this year that at least 150 future terrorists had left the city to join ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

It is thought ISIS sympathisers are targeting Sweden's Assyrian Christian community - just as they did in Mosul, Iraq, before seizing the city.

Fleeing ISIS fighters have been shaving off their beards and dressing as women to escape to the West - after realising a life of bloodthirsty terror is not for them.

Affirming news recently came to light that the second in command of the evil group was killed in a US air strike.

ISIS could be on its last legs after sustaining colossal damage after a continual swathe of bombings by Vladimir Putin's Russian troops.

SOURCE: http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/470396/ISIS-Islamic-State-Sweden-Europe-threat
2015-10-20 08:28:23 UTC
The eventual end game for all of Europe...

Sweden Close to Collapse

Sweden is fast approaching a complete collapse. More and more municipalities are raising the alarm that if the migrants keep coming at this pace, the government can no longer guarantee normal service to its citizens. In addition, ominous statements from government officials have left Swedes in fear of what tomorrow may bring. If the migrant wave keeps coming, in 10-15 years, Swedes will be a minority in their own country.

If the wave of migrants keeps coming, in 10-15 years, Swedes will be a minority in their own country. That there is, in fact, an exchange of populations going on, should be clear in any sober assessment.

"The final consequence of... Sweden's immigration policy is that the economy will collapse -- because who is going to pay for it all? And economic breakdowns, once they happen, always happen very fast."

MORE: http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/6697/sweden-collapse
2015-10-21 13:27:43 UTC
Post by Taka
The eventual end game for all of Europe...
Sweden Close to Collapse
Sweden is fast approaching a complete collapse. More and more municipalities are raising the alarm that if the migrants keep coming at this pace, the government can no longer guarantee normal service to its citizens. In addition, ominous statements from government officials have left Swedes in fear of what tomorrow may bring. If the migrant wave keeps coming, in 10-15 years, Swedes will be a minority in their own country.
If the wave of migrants keeps coming, in 10-15 years, Swedes will be a minority in their own country. That there is, in fact, an exchange of populations going on, should be clear in any sober assessment.
"The final consequence of... Sweden's immigration policy is that the economy will collapse -- because who is going to pay for it all? And economic breakdowns, once they happen, always happen very fast."
MORE: http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/6697/sweden-collapse

2015-10-24 12:46:16 UTC
Muslim men in some British communities are 'having up to 20 children each' because Sharia law allows them to have many wives

Cross-bench peer Baroness Cox spoke at the House of Lords yesterday
Told of how Muslim men in some communities are having up to 20 kids
These children may subsequently be 'vulnerable to extremism', she said
Men are 'divorcing wives by simply writing '"I divorce you" three times'
Baroness Cox said a loophole in the Equality Act was allowing Sharia courts
to discriminate against women - and said change was needed

Muslim men in some communities in Britain are having up to 20 children each with multiple wives under Sharia law, potentially leaving the youngsters 'vulnerable to extremism', peers warn.

Cross-bench peer Baroness Cox said yesterday the men's behavior is creating 'dysfunctional families' - with some divorcing their wives by simply saying or writing 'I divorce you' three times.

She also gave a number of 'shocking examples' of how the Islamic legal system 'discriminates' against Muslim women, whom she said needed better protection under equality legislation.

Addressing the House of Lords, she said one woman had told her: 'I feel betrayed by Britain. I came here to get away from this and the situation is worse here than in the country I escaped from.'

Giving an example of the negative impact of Sharia law on Muslim females, Baroness Cox told of how a 63-year-old man ordered a gynaecologist to 'repair the hymen' of his 23-year-old wife.

This was so the woman could remarry another Pakistani man so he could obtain a visa, she said, adding that the unemployed husband stood to earn 'about £10,000 for effecting this arrangement'.

The gynaecologist refused to carry out the illegal surgery.

In response, the man, who lives near London, became 'intensely angry', Baroness Cox said.

'Such shocking cases surely cannot be allowed to continue,' she said.

'The rights of Muslim women and the rule of the law of our land must be upheld.'

Baroness Cox then spoke of how her Muslim friends had told her that in some communities in the UK 'with high polygamy and divorce rates, men may have up to 20 children each'.

'Clearly, youngsters growing up in dysfunctional families may be vulnerable to extremism, she said.

She added that 'demography may affect democracy'.

In another example of how Muslim women need greater protection, Baroness Cox told the story of 'Roma' - not her real name - who suffered physical abuse at the hands of her Pakistani husband.

She 'did everything possible to avoid a divorce' out of fear of being rejected by her community - but when her husband failed to obtain a visa to enter Britain, he divorced her under Islamic law.

He did so by sending her a piece of paper featuring the words 'I divorce you' three times, she said.

Baroness Cox said a loophole in the Equality Act was allowing Sharia courts to discriminate against women - and said her Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill would help protect them.

The bill 'will strengthen the position of vulnerable women who need protection from exploitation. It will ensure that all such women, whatever sect or creed, get the help they need to enjoy full lives'.

She added that she had been told 'thousands of Muslim women' are backing her bill.

According to Baroness Cox, around 100,000 couples in Britain are currently in Islamic marriages that are not recognised by English law, leaving them at a legal disadvantage.

Cross-bench peer Baroness Deech supported the bill, saying: 'Equality is what the bill is all about... we must not tolerate the sweeping of violence against women or children under the carpet by any religion in the name of faith.'

Lord Green of Deddington, who is chairman of MigrationWatch, meanwhile, told peers that British society is 'entirely different' to that of Muslim countries, and 'those who come must accept that'.

Lord Sheikh emphasised that 'Sharia councils do not obstruct or attempt to influence proceedings where issues such as domestic violence are concerned.' He added that 'there is widespread concern' that the bill 'seeks to demonise Muslims... by giving an incorrect impression of our values'.

And Justice Minister Lord Faulks said that there are already protections in existing UK legislation.

SOURCE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3287364/Muslim-men-British-communities-having-20-children-Sharia-law-allows-wives.html
2015-10-25 15:19:29 UTC
2015-10-26 14:31:49 UTC
Post by Taka
2015-10-30 02:19:33 UTC
2015-11-02 06:39:20 UTC
German People to No longer exist in 2020 (5 Years from NOW) "20 Million Muslims by 2020"

"We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism,
national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a
different understanding of society and law." -- From a leaked
German intelligence document.

"We need to be clear that there must be limits and quotas for
immigration -- we cannot save the whole world." -- Markus
Söder, Finance Minister of Bavaria.

"The migration crisis has the potential to destabilize
governments, countries and the whole European continent. ...
What we have been facing is not a refugee crisis. This is a
migratory movement composed of economic migrants, refugees
and also foreign fighters" -- Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor

"Meanwhile, refugees are still heading into Germany -- at a
rate of around 10,000 a day. ... The decade after Ms. Merkel
first came to power in 2005 now looks like a blessed period
for Germany, in which the country was able to enjoy peace,
prosperity and international respect, while keeping the
troubles of the world at a safe distance. That golden era is
now over."

MORE: http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/6793/germany-20-million-muslims
2015-11-19 03:18:38 UTC
Hotel chain bans bacon and sausages

A Norwegian hotel chain has risked raising the ire of travellers by banning bacon and sausages from its breakfast menu, it's been reported.

Comfort Hotels will replace the traditional greasy breakfast items with plant-based foods to encourage a more climate-friendly, healthy lifestyle, the Hegnar.no news website reports. Guests will also see a reduction in the amount of cereals and cheese on the menu, and the chain won't serve products containing palm oil, which it says is environmentally destructive. The Comfort Hotels chain is part of the Nordic Choice hotel group, which operates more than 170 establishments in Scandinavia and the Baltic.

The group's owner, Petter Stordalen, tells Hegnar that "focusing on sustainability is what we do", adding that he believes guests "will appreciate a good, healthy start to the day", instead of a plateful of pork products. The move comes in the wake of a World Health Organisation report which linked processed foods such as bacon with colon cancer.

It's a decision that hasn't gone down well with some customers, according to the Swedish Vasterbottens Kuriren news website. While an employee at one of the chain's hotels in Sweden says there have been "mixed reactions", another hotel worker is more forthright, saying: "Personally, I think bacon and scrambled eggs should be the standard in a hotel breakfast." That appears to be a view shared by the paper's online readership, with 70% voting for "I need bacon for breakfast!" in a straw poll on their website. The pork-free scheme is still being trialled, and the chain says it is open to customer feedback.

SOURCE: http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-34858555
2015-11-30 16:49:52 UTC
THE FUSE HAS JUST BEEN LIT: Turkey and its 75 million muslims on the brink of being allowed into EU

TURKEY appeared to be on the brink of joining the EU last night, giving its 75 million citizens free access to Europe. The daunting prospect of millions of Turks moving to Britain arose after EU leaders tabled a deal in exchange for help stemming the flood of migrants into Europe. They are offering the huge country £2billion in cash, visa-free travel for its citizens and speeded up membership talks if it clamps down on people trafficking and migration across its borders.

The deal was expected to be signed off by political leaders at a summit in Brussels last night, European Council president Donald Tusk said. The plan, spearheaded by German chancellor Angela Merkel, will make Muslim-dominated Turkey the EU's 29th member state.

MORE: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/622958/Turkey-75-million-people-EU-migration-Ahmet-Davutoglu-Angela-Merkel
2015-12-01 01:32:21 UTC
Muslim invaders spreading HIV across Europe at an alarming rate

The attacks against European civilization by Muslim colonizers come from many directions - one of which is the rise in infectious diseases imported with many colonizers.

Including HIV.

Breitbart reports that the World Health Organization (WHO) director for Europe has stated that Europe now has the highest rate of new HIV infections ever seen on the continent. And while infection rates are directly tied to IV drug use and sex between men, the director also noted that newly arrived "migrants" have a particularly high rate of infection. Although "migrants" constitute a fraction of the total population, they (and non-native Europeans) account for one third of all new HIV diagnoses in Europe.

One might be surprised to hear a director from WHO speak truthfully on this matter, since the authorities tend to gloss over anything bad about Muslim "refugees."

The director blamed the high rate of HIV infection among migrants on the "social exclusion" many of them feel - exclusion that increases the likelihood of them engaging in risky behavior.

And there you have it. The rationale for Muslims behaving badly.

So what's the fix? You know. Outreach, money, and resources in the form of free treatment.

Once again, Europe has brought this upon herself as she willfully remains stuck between a rock and a hard place. The false choice has been offered: provide free and extremely costly treatment to "migrants," which should reduce the risk of infection spreading. Or accept even higher infection rates among Europeans because "migrants" have not been treated.

Would that they (and America) would wake up to the third and only choice: do not let these people in.

SOURCE: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/11/muslim_invaders_spreading_hiv_across_europe_at_an_alarming_rate.html
2015-12-04 17:36:20 UTC
Like it or not they coming to the US:

2015-12-08 01:25:36 UTC
When blowing themselves at public places no longer works, the muzzies inventing new ways of attack:

ISIS Sending 'Scientist Army' To West To Launch Biological War

The European Parliament have said that ISIS are planning on deploying an army of scientists to the West who will launch biological and chemical attacks against the population.

According to a briefing document, ISIS 'may be planning to try to use internationally banned weapons of mass destruction in future attacks'. The document also claims that weapons of mass destruction are already likely smuggled into Europe.

Dailymail.co.uk reports:

Experts fear that ISIS will be able to exploit a failure of EU governments to share information on possible terrorists.

Already, British police forces have been conducting exercises on how to deal with various types of terrorist attack. But the EU report claims that government should 'consider publicly addressing the possibility of terrorist attack using chemical, biological, radiological or even nuclear materials'.

SOURCE: http://yournewswire.com/isis-sending-scientist-army-to-west-to-launch-biological-war/
2015-12-17 02:59:29 UTC

The "Trojan horse" speaks out on their real intentions...
2015-12-29 00:56:22 UTC
2016-01-08 05:43:19 UTC
These Muhammad made primates...


2016-01-14 15:00:38 UTC
Europe: Demoralized, invaded and violated

While the liberal media is working on damage limitation as the fairy dust on its childlike delusions is blown away by the harsh winds of reality in places like Cologne, it is time for European nations to ask themselves whether they believe in their own right to exist.

Just because post-WWII European liberals have been culturally neutered doesn't mean that the armies of young men pouring in from Arab countries and sub-Saharan Africa have been, too.

The liberals are in denial at the dissonance between their theses and actual reality, and engaged in damage limitation - or simply blaming the victims - to make up the shortfall.

But rape and pillage - such as we have seen across Europe - is what invading armies do. It's what our invading armies do - why should anyone else's be different?

The young men themselves understand exactly what's going on, even if the fools around them do not.

Meanwhile, the poor white Europeans are so afraid of calling a thing by its proper name, it requires second generation immigrants to do it for them.

European demoralization

The idea popular - not least among liberal Europeans - is that Europeans' influence in the world has been an unmitigated evil. Associated with this assumption is another assumption: that any instinct towards self-survival among members of European cultures is evil, too.

While it is true that Britain, for example, (along with other key European countries) had empires and some (perhaps much) of what those empires did was bad, none of that loot trickled down to the common man.

The reality is that Britain has been run by a banking cartel since the creation of the Bank of England, and its indigenous peoples have been mowed down in their millions in wars to fill the coffers of the rich. Untold numbers were also worked to death in fields and mines.

While that was the business model, the people were inculcated with a sense of 'them and us' - the clansman and the outsider - because it was useful to the rulers.

Now, the ingenuity and hard work of European men is no longer so much in demand. The known world has been conquered, and the banks own all of it apart from a few hold-outs - and those are currently being bombed. But the main job was pretty well done by the end of WWII.

At that point, a new doctrine was handed down. Under this doctrine, Europeans no longer have any business being tribes. Wars, naturally, were not the fault of the banking oligarchy which now owned the entire world thanks in the main to the labors and gullibility of Europeans. No, wars were the fault of the European peoples themselves.

So, rather than peoples falling neatly into friends and foes as they had before, the world was Dale Carnegie-ized.

The Newthink dictated that if you simply refused to acknowledge any sort of differences between your group and anyone else's long enough, you could 'Make Friends And Influence People' until the world was a big, happy smorgasbord - all holding hands round a tree, singing Kumbaya and sharing a Coke and a smile.

This, in essence, is what liberals believe. They think that if you pretend what you want to be the case is the case long enough, the lion will lie down with the lamb, and they will enjoy a nice vegetarian nut roast together.

Sounds lovely, doesn't it? Warm and cuddly and gooey. A bit like the denouement of a saccharin chick-flick.

But it has a problem. And that problem is that it is complete nonsense.

Even our rulers have to admit this, because every now and then they - via their owned media - fire us up with nationalism in bursts whenever there's a need for a quick (or not-so-quick) genocide somewhere to take down a country, install a compliant central bank, and get that country back to handing its assets over to the banks rather than to its own people. Then tribalism is fine.

Limited tribalism during the World Cup is also fine since it gives the males a chance to work off their instinct to protect their own - in a loud yet managed, sterile and futile way.

But the rest of the time, if you so much as notice differences between you and any other group, political correctness will leave you a social pariah - or, increasingly, lose you your job or send you to prison.

What this means - to go back to the lion and lamb motif - is that you are now the lamb, and any teeth you had have been removed, and you secretly went vegan after reading some books Deepak Chopra lent you.

And now as you snuggle up next to the lion your entire survival strategy is predicated on the lion having read the same books and feeling the same way about what he read as you do.
European invasion

If I want to go to New Zealand, for example, there is a process. Quite a strict one. And if I turn up in that country without the correct documentation, then I will not be getting in.

But not so in Europe. At least not now. And not for certain people.

There are genuine asylum seekers in the world. And there is a process for assessing them.

But that is not what is happening here. What is happening, is that the European nations themselves are being kettled by their own governments' policies and occupied by gangs of unknown young men, many of whom have simply joined the bandwagon because the word is out that the Europeans have lost the will to fight.

But porous borders and financial support when you get in do not extend to everyone.

Almost 18,000 British citizens are denied access annually for their spouse to join them in the UK by the government if that spouse comes from outside the EU.

So this 'compassion' is extremely selective.

The laws of legal physics have been magically suspended. And the governments - whose primary duty and justification for existing in the first place - is to maintain the integrity of a nation's borders are, seemingly, helpless.

I don't need mainstream media to explain to me what I can see happening. Any time I see an army of young men marching into a foreign country in the face of supine, defeated troops who have lost the will or the wit to fight for those people who pay their wages, then I know what is happening: an invasion is taking place.

As usual, the justification for this insanity is the very 'compassion' which has become both de rigour and legally enforceable in all countries where noticeable numbers of Europeans reside - but nowhere else, it seems.

Our leaders have no scruples about murdering a million Iraqis or bombing Fallujah with phosphorous bombs or providing media and financial support for the eradication of the Palestinians, but now - all of a sudden - we are told to be squeamish: the doors simply must not be closed; we have to help.

This new-found compassion and glaring contradiction should tell you everything you need to know: the fix is in. Europe is slated to be ethnically cleansed.

No-one voted for this. Few people want it. Yet everyone has to pay for it. And until the governments do their duty and protect their nations from invasion, it is beyond me why there isn't a tax revolt.

The wars against Syria and Iraq are criminal. And so is the dereliction of basic duty of the European governments to maintain the integrity of our borders.

And those who are the decision-makers in both scenarios are marching to a drum none of us have any part in beating.

Thus, we are living under a tyranny. So let's just admit as much.

Liberal insanity

Politically correct liberal insistence upon things being - in fact - how some in socialist think tanks might wish them to be has gone beyond the point of tolerable insanity; it has the aspect of a death wish; of an enforced, self-service, pay-as-you-go ethnic cleansing of Europe's indigenous peoples. And no amount of pleading the compassion card is going to diffuse this reality.

If we are looking for causes of the crimes against Syria and Iraq, they are to be found in the nature and acceptance of usury, and the policies of think tanks designed to further the interests of a very few people.

The vast majority of European peoples did not create either problem. They certainly do not benefit from them. There is no reason why they should pay for them.

My nation's forebears laid down their lives in their millions to defend their land. I do not believe I am alone in regarding as pernicious, criminal, treacherous and evil that collusion between politics, education, media and business which treats any instinct for survival among indigenous European peoples as a disposable and distasteful commodity.

Voices of reason are coming to the fore - from Hungary and Slovakia, for example.

We should listen to them.

SOURCE: https://www.rt.com/op-edge/328378-europe-demoralized-invaded-violated/
2016-01-19 02:41:36 UTC
AN ISLAMIC professor has allegedly claimed Muslim men are allowed by Allah to rape non-Muslim women in order to "humiliate" them.

Professor Saud Saleh - from Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt - reportedly said rape is allowed between times of "legitimate war" between Muslims and their enemies.

In a television interview Saleh appears to try to discourage the purchase of slaves from Asian countries for sex, claiming Allah has given Muslim men a "legitimate" way to have sexual relations with slave women.

MORE: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/635942/Islam-Scholar-Saud-Saleh-Cairo-Slavery-Muslim-Women-Pagan-ISIS-Al-Azhar-University-Egypt
2016-01-24 03:02:14 UTC
Locals Fled Pool After Migrants Masturbated Into Jacuzzi, Defecated Into Kid's Pool, Invaded Girls Changing Rooms

A German swimming bath has banned migrants from entering the premises after a group of men went on an obscene rampage, laughing in the faces of pool staff when challenged about their grotesque behaviour.

A group of migrant men and women were caught on security camera at the Johannisbad baths in Zwickau, Saxony engaging in unacceptable behaviour, including masturbating into the jacuzzi. In separate incidents other groups of migrants were caught "contaminating" the children't training pool by "emptying their bowels in the water", and sexually assaulting other bathers, reports Bild.

The allegations against the migrant bathers has come to light thanks to a leaked internal letter from the Zwickau Town Hall, between the chief clerk to his department head, reproduced in part by German tabloid Bild. Writing of the historic swimming pool's decision to close their doors to migrants until further notice, Rainer Kallweit wrote this week of a shocking incident which has left the baths abandoned by local swimmers.

MORE: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/01/22/locals-fled-pool-after-migrants-masturbated-into-jacuzzi-defecated-into-kids-pool-molested-bathers/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social
2016-01-24 03:03:44 UTC
Russians In Germany Attack, Destroy Muslim Hostel After 30-Hour Rape of 13-Year-Old Girl

Local residents reported that on Tuesday, January 19, 2016, more than a hundred cars, in which there were representatives of the Russian diaspora in Germany, arrived to the hostel, which is inhabited by migrants from the Middle East.

The Russian Germans, who were armed with baseball bats, attacked the refugees from the Middle East. Migrants from the Middle East were trying to defend themselves, but the Russian attackers have acted consistently and severely beaten migrants from the Middle East.

According to the locals, the reason for the pogrom of refugees from Middle East was the news about the rape of a Russian girl. The police tried to hush up the crime.

MORE: http://rense.com/general96/russgermmuslim.html
2016-02-05 02:19:27 UTC
'Multicultural Toilets' For 'Global Defecation' Seek To Stop Migrants Pooping On The Floor

German bathroom manufacturers are developing "multicultural toilets" to help ensure Middle Eastern migrants need not adapt to European sanitation norms.

Multiple reports have emerged of recent arrivals finding themselves utterly "mystified" by Western loos. Some have resorted to doing their business on the floor or outdoors, others have used showers, and many migrants will have never seen toilet paper before.

The issue caused some serious confusion last year, with one small German village being accused of racism after issuing leaflets politely asking migrants to use to the correct facilities.

With 1.5 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa arriving in the country last year, solving the problem without facing such accusations of bigotry presents a sizeable business opportunity.

Enter the Global Fliegenschmidt toilet manufacturers based in Coswig, Saxony-Anhalt, who have announced their plans to develop a mobile "multicultural toilet" complete with a squatting platform and water hose for migrant friendly sanitation.

The design was shown to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung national newspaper, who gave a gloriously politically correct write up of the new product, branding it, "Universally applicable: the refugee toilet is ideal for the globalised defecation."

"Because everyone knows: Different cultures also mean different scale latrines. For Muslims, it is important that when using a toilet, one's back does not face Mecca. In addition, latrines for men and women have to separate from each other, and the floor cannot be green in colour, because that is the colour of Islam", reads their report.

The article describes refugees standing on toilet bowls and breaking them, and some who resort to defecating in bushes.

"German toilets are a mystery to many refugees and this has already led to problems. A new mobile multicultural toilet should remedy this--and along the way teach something about the coexistence of cultures", declares the article.

In concludes: "And so, as the refugees have brought about many changes in German society solely by their presence... so is it now with the toilet in the future with this pressing issue.

"With some justification, one could say: Here we can even learn something from the refugees."

SOURCE: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/02/04/germany-develops-multicultural-toilets-to-stop-migrants-defecating-on-floor/
2016-02-06 15:35:36 UTC
Muslim sexual incontinence:

2016-02-15 05:25:57 UTC
Angela Merkel's Snake Dance:

2016-02-21 03:25:56 UTC
Big cities and sitting at computers is NOT human indigenous environment. Humans are destined for extinction if they keep building and moving to megacities. Look at the lesson from Babylon!


Clues to the Muslim sexual incontinence:

Be it Muzzie or Christ we have all hardwired the instinct of self-preservation, i.e. making progeny. Going after mate is even stronger than going after food... This works as expected in the wild but the modern human environment screws things up. It's like running Linux on the wrong spec. hardware or overclocking the processor/memory. Particularly the thugs feed on the modern fertilizer foods laced with gender benders. Or look at our senior citizen from Richmond who is overcharging his reproductive system with steroids and starring all days at comp making him aggressive and dumb... Put a Muzzie in desert and he will do just fine when finding some donkey or human female. But put him in a public bath in Germany and yo get what yo get....

As I have emphasized countless times on the life-extension NGs the most offensive foods are seed oils:






And then we got the gender benders such as BPA and its modern substitutes...
2016-02-21 03:26:14 UTC
Big cities and sitting at computers is NOT human indigenous environment. Humans are destined for extinction if they keep building and moving to megacities. Look at the lesson from Babylon!


Clues to the Muslim sexual incontinence:

Be it Muzzie or Christ we have all hardwired the instinct of self-preservation, i.e. making progeny. Going after mate is even stronger than going after food... This works as expected in the wild but the modern human environment screws things up. It's like running Linux on the wrong spec. hardware or overclocking the processor/memory. Particularly the thugs feed on the modern fertilizer foods laced with gender benders. Or look at our senior citizen from Richmond who is overcharging his reproductive system with steroids and starring all days at comp making him aggressive and dumb... Put a Muzzie in desert and he will do just fine when finding some donkey or human female. But put him in a public bath in Germany and yo get what yo get....

As I have emphasized countless times on the life-extension NGs the most offensive foods are seed oils:






And then we got the gender benders such as BPA and its modern substitutes...
2016-02-25 02:13:54 UTC
Two Islamic insurgents were arrested in Tokyo after they attacked a woman they forced into a public toilet, police say.

From tokyoreporter.com:

Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested two Turkish nationals currently applying for refugee status for allegedly raping a woman in Kita Ward, reports the Sankei Shimbun (Feb. 22).

At approximately 12:30 a.m. on December 27 of last year, Onder Pinarbasi, 22, and a 16-year-old boy allegedly took the woman, aged in her 30s, to a public toilet near JR Akabane Station and sexually assaulted her. The suspects also stole 9,000 yen in cash from the victim.

Pinarbasi, who has been charged with rape and robbery, claims the boy committed both crimes. The boy admits to onlyl the robbery charge. "I did not force myself upon her," he is quoted by police in denying the rape accusation, according to the Yomiuri Shimbun (Feb. 22).

The incident occurred after the suspects called out the woman, who was visibly drunk at the time, as she was walking home.

The suspects arrived in Japan last year. They applied for refugee status in August and October, telling the Immigration Bureau of Japan that they did not want to return to Turkey due to "problems that exist between relatives."

While their applications were being examined, the suspects received a visa status granting "special permission to stay in Japan."

The suspects became people of interest for the police after an examination of surveillance camera footage taken in the area.

SOURCE: http://dailykenn.blogspot.jp/2016/02/muslims-refugees-gang-rape-woman-in.html
2016-02-25 12:51:30 UTC
Europe's refugee crisis is about to go from terrible to unprecedented

Refugees and migrants are heading to Europe at a rate three times greater than last year, according to a new report released by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and are set to shatter a record number of new arrivals reached in 2015.

By the end of 2015, more than 1 million people had made their way to the continent, mostly by crossing the Mediterranean on overcrowded boats, marking the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. But if the volume of new people arriving from war torn nations continues to grow, the refugee crisis is set to explode at a rate never before seen in Europe.

There have been 102,547 arrivals in the Greek islands since the beginning of 2016. In 2015, the number of arrivals did not reach that threshold until June, according to IOM

MORE: http://mashable.com/2016/02/24/europe-refugee-crisis-growing/
2016-03-01 06:51:02 UTC


For a culture to sustain itself, fertility rates need to remain above 2.1 children per family. Most of Europe's fertility rates are floating around 1.3 to 1.5 , the only reason North America comes close to the 2.1 average is because of Muslim immigration. The Muslim fertility rate is an astounding 8.1.

If this trend continues the Muslims will have a majority population withing most of our life time, the world our children are going to grow up in is going to be a Muslim run world, unless things change fast.
2016-03-02 06:49:42 UTC
Post by Taka
For a culture to sustain itself, fertility rates need to remain above 2.1 children per family. Most of Europe's fertility rates are floating around 1.3 to 1.5 , the only reason North America comes close to the 2.1 average is because of Muslim immigration. The Muslim fertility rate is an astounding 8.1.
If this trend continues the Muslims will have a majority population withing most of our life time, the world our children are going to grow up in is going to be a Muslim run world, unless things change fast.

2016-03-03 02:36:59 UTC
Post by Taka
Post by Taka
For a culture to sustain itself, fertility rates need to remain above 2.1 children per family. Most of Europe's fertility rates are floating around 1.3 to 1.5 , the only reason North America comes close to the 2.1 average is because of Muslim immigration. The Muslim fertility rate is an astounding 8.1.
If this trend continues the Muslims will have a majority population withing most of our life time, the world our children are going to grow up in is going to be a Muslim run world, unless things change fast.
Muzzies are naturally gifted with high Dopamine by Allah!

"Recent studies have shown that after a guy has an orgasm, prolactin levels will skyrocket and dopamine levels will plummet. This greatly increases the refactory period between ejaculations, and makes you want to go to sleep. However, if a guy has high dopamine along with low prolactin, then the reduction in dopamine is far less significant, and the time between "mating sessions" is decreased. (this is a fancy way to say that low prolactin levels increase your sexual powers)."

MORE: http://www.anabolicmen.com/how-to-lower-prolactin-levels-naturally/
2016-03-05 12:16:32 UTC
Female al-Azhar prof: Allah allows Muslims to rape non-Muslim women


New fatwa: Muslims may eat their wives

2016-03-05 12:18:23 UTC
Sexual violence in Germany has skyrocketed since Angela Merkel allowed more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East into the country. The crimes are being downplayed by the authorities, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments.

"The moment they [male migrants] see a young woman wearing a skirt or any type of loose clothing, they believe they have a free pass." -- Restaurant owner at a mall in Kiel.

"Every police officer knows he has to meet a particular political expectation. It is better to keep quiet [about migrant crime] because you cannot go wrong." -- Rainer Wendt, the head of the German police union.

Police are warning about a potential breakdown of public order this summer, when women who are lightly dressed are confronted by young male migrants.

Jakob Augstein, an influential columnist for the magazine Der Spiegel, says that Germans worried about migrant crimes are motivated by racism. His views shed light on the worldview of German multiculturalism: Migrants who assault German women and children are simply rebelling against German power structures. Germans who criticize such assaults are racists.

Police in Cologne received more than 1,000 complaints from women, including 454 reports of sexual assaults, related to New Year's Eve. Police in Hamburg received complaints from 351 women, including 218 reports of sexual assault that took place on the same evening.

MORE: http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/7557/germany-rape-migrants-crisis
2016-03-09 13:05:44 UTC

The new website, called "Zanzu--My body in words and images"--was set up by the Ministry of Health's Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung ("Federal Center for Health Education," BZgA) in cooperation with a Belgian-government funded "Expertise Center for Sexual Health" called Sensoa.

In its introductory video, the website specifically says that its purpose is to give "advice on sex and sexuality for migrants who have not been living long in Germany."

In addition, the website also promotes homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, and "transgenderism."
2016-03-11 02:00:50 UTC

2016-03-12 03:25:23 UTC
Post by Taka

2016-03-14 14:51:38 UTC
Migrants lay children across railway tracks demanding 'racist' Europe re-opens borders

MORE: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/652258/Migrants-children-railway-tracks-racist-Europe-re-opens-borders
2016-03-15 01:41:39 UTC
Post by Taka
Migrants lay children across railway tracks demanding 'racist' Europe re-opens borders
MORE: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/652258/Migrants-children-railway-tracks-racist-Europe-re-opens-borders

2016-03-22 05:29:37 UTC
"A chilling internal French police report has revealed that as many as 90 "kamikazes" may be roaming the EU. The report also states how terrorists are mastering encryption and bomb making techniques to help them achieve their aims.

The 55-page testimony, which was produced exclusively for the French Interior Ministry and was seen by the New York Times, shows the scale of planning that went into the November 13 Paris terror attacks, including precise encryption, top level document forgers and even sending bomb makers from Syria to Europe."

MORE: https://www.rt.com/news/336456-france-terror-report-bombing/
2016-03-22 13:36:39 UTC
COUNTER-TERRORISM chiefs have been told to prepare for up to 10 simultaneous attacks amid fears of an Islamic State "spectacular". Specialist troops are also training to tackle a dirty bomb laced with radioactive particles, deadly chemicals or biological agents on the crowded streets of the capital. And the National Crime Agency has been ordered to crack down on firearms to head off the threat posed by British-born jihadis returning from Syria.

Army regiments outside London are already on standby to help the SAS and police cope with a multiple target attack. The army's counterterrorist bomb disposal unit is also creating a team at Didcot barracks, Oxfordshire, to tackle a dirty bomb.

In recent months London has seen at least two major counter-terrorism exercises including the SAS dealing with mock home-made bombs containing the ingredients of weapons of mass destruction..

MORE: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/654158/Islamic-State-ISIS-SAS-London-terror-attack-dirty-bomb-radioactive
2016-03-28 05:00:28 UTC
We need more Muslim babies
... then we can take over Britain

A HATE fanatic has boasted that Muslims will one day conquer Britain -- by having more BABIES.

Speaking at a rally marking 9/11, Anjem Choudary bragged that a birth explosion would let followers of Islam take control of the country.

Undercover Sun investigators secretly recorded Choudary telling a young and impressionable audience that they would eventually rule under strict Sharia law.

And our team listened in chilled silence as he predicted: "Islam is superior and will never be surpassed. The flag of Islam will rise over Downing Street."

Lawyer Choudary also said it would be easy for vast numbers of Muslims to declare Jihad, or holy war, against Britain -- and that every one of them could become "a time bomb waiting to go off".

The Sun team watched vile Choudary, the right-hand man of exiled preacher of hate Omar Bakri, ranting to 100 young Muslims at a meeting in East London.

The mob bayed and cheered as he said: "About 500 people in Britain become Muslim every day.

"The Home Office say there are 1.5million Muslims but there were 1.5million ten years ago. Since then our brothers in Bethnal Green, Whitechapel and other places have had eight or nine children each. Eight children here, ten children, 15 children. There must be at least six million people.

"It may be by pure conversion that Britain will become an Islamic state. We may never need to conquer it from the outside."

The rally -- advertised as a debate on whether the West had "learned the lessons" of 9/11 -- was held amid strict security in a hall above a mosque in Lea Bridge Road, Leyton. Stewards on the door demanded ID from non-Muslims.

Inside the atmosphere was tense as dozens of young men in their teens or 20s packed chairs at the front while the few women present were ushered to the back. Choudary -- whose family live on £25,000 a year in benefits -- whipped them into a frenzy with a speech calling for Sharia law, under which criminals and adulterers are stoned or have limbs amputated.

He roared: "We do not integrate into Christianity. We will ensure that one day you will integrate into the Sharia Islamic law. Our eyes are on Downing Street."

He went on: "That is why the British are so afraid. It would be easy for us to declare Jihad in Britain and each one of us could become a time-bomb waiting to go off. But we are not people who betray."

Choudary, who once called for the Pope to be executed and said the 9/11 hijackers were "magnificent martyrs", also claimed without a shred of evidence that 200 Muslim women were locked up in British jails.

Midway through the three-hour rally there was a break for prayers and food. The audience knelt on the floor and free chicken curry and bottles of water were handed out -- but nobody ate or drank until a signal from chairman Abu Omar.

Another hate-filled speaker, Saiful Islam, praised terror chief Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda for their courage in retaliating against the West's "oppression".

He warned of a repeat of the 9/11 attacks in which more than 3,000 died in America, or another 7/7 suicide attack in London. He said: "The blame of 9/11 belongs to no one but the American government. They are the terrorists.

"Sheikh Osama warned America numerous times, it was because of their own arrogance, because they thought they are a superpower and nobody could match them, that Sheikh Osama taught them a lesson - a lesson they still haven't learned."

Referring to Iraq and Afghanistan, he warned the US and Britain: "Wake up. Withdraw. Listen. All of us have a part to play in stopping the violence or the next 9/11 will take place in Britain, the next 7/7 could take place locally."

The meeting was also addressed by law lecturer Abu Saalihah and there was a live webcam link to Omar Bakri at his Lebanon hideout.

Yesterday unrepentant Bakri said he could not understand what moderate Muslims have against Bin Laden.

He also dismissed 9/11 as "just an event" which was neither good nor bad but comparable to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Speaking from Beirut he said: "Osama Bin Laden is a legendary person for Muslims round the world."

Last night the meeting was condemned by moderate Muslims.

Iqbal Sacranie, ex-Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Great Britain, said: "Such outrageous and irresponsible comments are nothing new from the likes of Omar Bakri and his lot. These people know they do not represent the views of the vast majority, if not the entire community, of Muslims in the UK."

Last night Scotland Yard asked The Sun for a copy of our video showing Choudary and Islam's rants.

The Counter-Terrorism Command will study the footage. Sources stressed they had not launched a formal inquiry but one said: "We want to see if any laws were breached."

SOURCE: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/1683635/We-need-more-Muslim-babiesbr-then-we-can-take-over-Britain.html
2016-03-28 05:04:19 UTC
Post by Taka
We need more Muslim babies
... then we can take over Britain
The muslihams are reproducing 50% faster than are nonMusliham Europeans.

Europeans are reproducing fast enough to maintain their population. In contrast the muslihams are reproducing at a rate where their numbers will increase.

Add to this importing millions more muslihams into Europe.

This is dangerous.

When there are enough of them, they will destroy all the Renaissance art which is the pinnacle of artistic achievement.

And they forgot to factor in the massive rape births!!!
2016-04-04 07:56:49 UTC
Post by Taka
Post by Taka
We need more Muslim babies
... then we can take over Britain
The muslihams are reproducing 50% faster than are nonMusliham Europeans.
Europeans are reproducing fast enough to maintain their population. In contrast the muslihams are reproducing at a rate where their numbers will increase.
Add to this importing millions more muslihams into Europe.
This is dangerous.
When there are enough of them, they will destroy all the Renaissance art which is the pinnacle of artistic achievement.
And they forgot to factor in the massive rape births!!!
Muslim Father of 35 Wants to Reach 100 Children to Secure Place in Heaven

Jan Mohammad, a doctor from Pakistan, is on a mission to produce 100 offspring, an achievement that he believes will earn him a place in heaven.

The 43-year-old already has 35 children from three wives, and is now ready to marry a fourth woman to speed up the process.

"I want to have 100 children, as the prophet had said that those who increase the number of followers (of Islam) will never go to hell," he said, speaking to Pakistan newspaper DAWN, from his hometown of Quetta, in Pakistan.

"With the grace of God, my children will help me go to heaven."

Mohammad's current wives - Bibi Naz Gul, 32, Noor Bibi, 28, and Hayat Bibi, 25 - have borne him a total of 14 boys and 21 girls so far.

Two of the baby girls were born only a few weeks ago to two of his wives, but the doctor has already made plans marry again. "The bigger the family, the better," he explained.

"I hope to find a fourth wife I can marry soon," said the Pakistani patriarch, whose country of 200 million inhabitants suffers from overpopulation.

SOURCE: http://www.odditycentral.com/news/father-of-35-wants-to-reach-100-children-to-secure-place-in-heaven.html
2016-04-19 14:47:30 UTC
Well first thing first. White people need to stop demonizing teen pregnancy and stop spreading their families out across the entire nation.

Teen years are the most efficient, safest, and productive years for child birth, and families spread out so thin are easy to destroy as they have fewer roots and resources to help each other.

Girls should be pregnant between 16 and 25 for optimal birth rates and minimal defects. Fama lies should be closer in age so that all can contribute. You want to be in your mid to late 30s when your 16-20 year old kid is giving birth so that your 555-65 year old retired parents can watch the baby during the day while the rest work.

It's so simple any mexican can do it.

The way white people structure their famalies these days is a recipe for failure.
2016-05-06 15:26:33 UTC
Rome was a dominant power on the world stage for more than 1,000 years. Its collapse in 476 was a historical change of colossal proportions.. Because the state in 476 A.D. was suffering from lack of revenue, it could no longer pay the salaries of the soldiers serving in the still mighty Italian army. Odoacer, a barbarian soldier serving in the army, then convinced his fellow soldiers that, should they agree to follow him, he would arrange to have land redistributed amongst them in lieu of their expected salaries. The barbarian leader captured and executed the Roman leader Orestes near Placentia on August 28 of the fateful year. Paul, Orestes' brother, was captured and killed in Ravenna a few days later. The impotent emperor and the Roman Senate stood alone, naked against the barbarian power. In such circumstances, there was no longer any hope, and the emperor resigned. The Senate, for its part, dissolved the empire in the West. Heather tells the story of this massive and crippling wave of hostile immigration...

After Gibbon, others, for a time, pointed to barbarians as a contributing factor... But what really happened? The answer, according to Oxford historian Peter Heather, is that unchecked immigration and invasion led to the gradual dismantling of the empire. ... tremendous amounts of agricultural produce were brought to Rome from the empire's North African provinces, rather than grown locally. Moreover, the later empire overtaxed its land-owning class, causing a flight from the land that resulted in the infamous Agri Deserti, the phenomenon of the "deserted lands."

The beginning of the end came with an amnesty for a horde of Gothic immigrants...

Sound familiar?

So, for those who can't be bothered to read:

* The economy was going down
* They weren't producing their own food and relied on it being imported
* The Army was run down and they used foreign (Arab) soldiers
* They gave amnesty to a hordes of uncultured immigrants
* The immigrants and armed infiltrators overtook the locals

See - exactly the same as today.

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience." - George Bernard Shaw

MORE: http://www.thefreelibrary.com/How+immigration+destroyed+Rome.+Oxford+historian+Peter+Heather+has...-a0141907543
2016-05-10 07:55:21 UTC
Sweden: 5 Homo Muslim Rapefugees Rape a Boy Near Asylum Center

Five Muslim immigrants, who all claim to be the age of 15, have been arrested on suspicion of aggravated sexual assault. The subject is a boy who is living in the same HVB home (asylum center) as the suspects in Värmland Årjäng.
Police were first alerted to the asylum accommodation at 18:04 on Sunday.

- We were called to this accommodation because of a brawl and after the initial interrogation, it appears that something happened that was first classified as a rape.

MORE: https://shariaunveiled.wordpress.com/2016/05/05/sweden-5-homosexual-muslim-immigrants-arrested-for-gang-raping-a-boy-in-forest-near-asylum-center/
2016-05-10 15:12:06 UTC

2016-05-11 08:41:39 UTC
The new Muslim mayor of London has issued a warning to Donald Trump: Moderate your stance on Muslims, or they will launch more attacks against America.

Trump recently praised Sadiq Khan for winning London’s mayoral race, and said he would be willing to create an exception in his policy restricting Muslim entry into the United States in order to allow Khan to visit. But in a statement Tuesday, Khan dismissed Trump’s invitation, and also denounced his views on Islam as “ignorant,” suggesting Trump’s policies would increase the terrorist threat in both the U.S. and U.K.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

While Khan touted the liberal values of British Muslims, some polls have found worrying indicators that their assimilation is incomplete. A poll in April, for instance, found that two-thirds of British Muslims would not tell the government if a friend or family member became involved with extremists. Half of them said homosexuality should be illegal and over 20 percent supported establishing sharia in the U.K.

MORE: http://dailycaller.com/2016/05/10/londons-new-mayor-warns-trump-let-in-muslims-or-they-will-attack-america/
2016-03-05 12:22:23 UTC
Multiculturalism Will Fail

2015-11-05 01:30:39 UTC
Post by Taka
Post by Taka
Post by Taka

2015-11-13 16:16:29 UTC

2015-09-02 09:05:17 UTC
Post by Taka
Well, muslims don't use the pill and other anticonception means
How many is 55 million abortions?

Since abortion was legalized in 1973 by the Roe v. Wade decision, over 55 million developing babies have died through abortion. Fifty-five million is a big number and hard to visualize.

Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions

"The Pill" is the popular term for more than 40 different commercially available oral contraceptives. In medicine, they are commonly referred to as BCPs (birth control pills) or OCs (oral contraceptives). They are also called "Combination Pills," because they contain a combination of estrogen and progestin.

The Pill is used by about 14,000,000 American women each year. Across the globe, it is used by about 60,000,000. The question of whether it causes abortions has direct bearing on untold millions of Christians, many of them prolife, who use and recommend it. For those who believe God is the Creator of each person and the giver and taker of human life, this is a question with profound moral implications.

In 1991, while researching the original edition of ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments, I heard someone suggest that birth control pills can cause abortions. This was brand new to me; in all my years as a pastor and a pro-lifer, I had never heard it before. I was immediately skeptical. My vested interests were strong in that Nanci and I used the Pill in the early years of our marriage, as did many of our pro-life friends. Why not? We believed it simply prevented conception. We never suspected it had any potential for abortion. No one told us this was even a possibility. I confess I never read the fine print of the Pill's package insert, nor am I sure I would have understood it even if I had.

In 14 years as a pastor, when I did a considerable amount of premarital counseling, I always warned couples against the IUD because I'd read it could cause early abortions. I typically recommended young couples use the Pill because of its relative ease and effectiveness.

At the time I was researching ProLife Answers, I found only one person who could point me toward any documentation that connected the Pill and abortion. She told me of just one primary source that supported this belief and I found only one other. Still, these two sources were sufficient to compel me to include this warning in the book:

Some forms of contraception, specifically the intrauterine device (IUD), Norplant, and certain low-dose oral contraceptives, often do not prevent conception but prevent implantation of an already fertilized ovum. The result is an early abortion, the killing of an already conceived individual. Tragically, many women are not told this by their physicians, and therefore do not make an informed choice about which contraceptive to use."1 As it turns out, I made a critical error. At the time, I incorrectly believed that "low-dose" birth control pills were the exception, not the rule. I thought most people who took the Pill were in no danger of having abortions. What I've found in more recent research is that since 1988 virtually all oral contraceptives used in America are low-dose, that is, they contain much lower levels of estrogen than the earlier birth control pills.

The standard amount of estrogen in the birth control pills of the 1960s and early '70s was 150 micrograms.

The use of estrogen-containing formulations with less than 50 micrograms of estrogen steadily increased to 75 percent of all prescriptions in the United States in 1987. In the same year, only 3 percent of the prescriptions were for formulations that contained more than 50 micrograms of estrogen. Because these higher-dose estrogen formulations have a greater incidence of adverse effects without greater efficacy, they are no longer marketed in the United States.2

After the Pill had been on the market fifteen years, many serious negative side effects of estrogen had been clearly proven. These included blurred vision, nausea, cramping, irregular menstrual bleeding, headaches, increased incidence of breast cancer, strokes, and heart attacks, some of which led to fatalities.3

In response to these concerns, beginning in the mid-seventies, manufacturers of the Pill steadily decreased the content of estrogen and progestin in their products. The average dosage of estrogen in the Pill declined from 150 micrograms in 1960 to 35 micrograms in 1988. These facts are directly stated in an advertisement by the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals and Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation in Hippocrates magazine.4

Pharmacists for Life confirms: "As of October 1988, the newer lower dosage birth control pills are the only type available in the U.S., by mutual agreement of the Food and Drug Administration and the three major Pill manufacturers."
2016-05-12 07:56:29 UTC

2016-05-17 01:54:18 UTC
Muslims account for 91% of child rapes in UK

Now that London has elected an anti-Semitic Muslim mayor, lets examine just how “wonderful” the Muslims in the UK are. Even though they account for only 4% of the UK’s entire population (which is hard to believe it’s that low), they are responsible for 91% of all child rapes in the UK. Not exactly an even distribution of the population to child rapes. Though, the 4% of the UK being Muslims seems awfully underestimated to me. It might have been 4% of the population like 20 years ago. But today? I don’t think so.

SOURCE: http://www.fireandreamitchell.com/2016/05/14/muslims-account-for-91-of-child-rapes-in-uk/
2016-06-19 15:01:58 UTC
Feed the Muslims in Europe!

2016-06-20 07:39:30 UTC
Germany, Göppingen
Refugees stormed a grocery that is meant for poor people, those who can't afford to buy their groceries at the usual supermarket because they do not have enough money in a month to live on like others do. These poor people are old people, young people, families with kids etc.
They depend on the food from these food stores, it is cheap food, food that had reached its expiring date or just wasn't sold and then was donated by the big supermarkets to these food stores that are called "Tafeln" in German. Although not every supermarket donates their old food, there are some that just throw it into the garbage for no one to consume, even if it is still totally fine to eat. It's a disgrace!
In Germany we got the situation that the refugees and also the asylum seekers are almost raiding these food stores to get cheap groceries. This is unacceptable! Refugees and asylum seekers get warm food every day in their camps etc. They don't have to pay for it. They can even determine what food should be served. A lot of them even has the opportunity to cook meals for themselves. The last two points, I mentioned, exist because a lot of the refugees didn't or rather don't like our food and also dislike to eat at certain times. They want to eat whenever they want to hence they got their own hot plates on which they can cook. This is all confirmed by different sources, look it up if you don't believe this.
The people in the video would usually be let into the store one after the other when someone was calling their number that they held. Yet the refugees didn't care and pushed themselves into the store. Also you can clearly see that the shelves are kinda empty. Why is that? Refugees and asylum seekers are going to these stores for months now when they do not have the right or the need to do so. It's simply outrageous! Couple of these stores had already to close because they couldn't handle the storm of refugees anymore and just didn't have the supply of donated food to restock the shelves. They simply didn't have enough food to continue their buisness and a lot of poor Germans have the choice to either starve or buy expensive food at the usual supermarket which they can't really afford.
Furthermore the Germans in the store talked about how awful the situation is, the old woman said she wasn't able to get into the store for the last 4 months, that she doesn't have enough money to live on, that she was being laughed at by the refugees, that the refugees for example bite into apples once and then throw them onto the ground etc etc etc.
If you think the situation in Germany can't get any worse than wait until we got 5 MILLION refugees on our soil at the end of next year. And when you think about that number of refugees imagine the number of rapes that will happen in the future in Germany. Germany might even surpass Swedens rape statistics. We just had the news of a mass rape in Munich of a 23 year old German Woman that was raped by 5 refugees in her own appartement. Also a refugee in Berlin is at large who set the long hair of two female Germans afire while they were waiting for the train. There is so much going on in Germany right now, you can barely keep up with it.

And you tell me, considering everything that has to do with refugees, if that doesn't lead to civil war what else does?

MORE: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=320_1466363432
2016-06-20 07:39:48 UTC
2016-06-24 17:43:59 UTC
It's party time, let's finally kick the Muzzies out of Europe!
2016-06-29 01:23:21 UTC

2016-07-22 08:33:15 UTC
New “Asylum Seeker” Group Sex Attack

Nonwhite invaders pretending to be asylum seekers have carried out another group sex attack in Germany, this time attacking at least five girls aged between ten and 14 at a public swimming pool in Kirchheim.

Police identified all the attackers as “young men from asylum seeker circles” and of “Arab” appearance.


According to an article in the Stuttgarter Nachrichten, the police were called to the swimming pool in the Kirchheim/Teck (Esslingen district) on Wednesday afternoon after they received reports of “several sexual assaults, and injuries.”

Police spokesman Sven Heinz confirmed to the paper that the attackers were from “asylum seeker circles,” and he said, “to judge from their outside appearance,” of an “immigrant background.”

Five girls between the ages of ten and 14 have so far reported being attacked by the invaders, who are all aged between 20- to 30-years-old. All “asylum seekers” in the town had received free pool passes for the entire year as part of their benefits.

The police report said that all of the girls had had their bikini tops and pants ripped from their bodies, and their private parts groped.

One of the girls fled in tears when “a 25- to 30-year-old man rubbed his erect penis on her body,” Heinz added. “All of the girls were highly traumatized.”

Witnesses managed to identify one of the attackers, a 21-year-old “asylum seeker” from Iraq, who was promptly detained for attacking an eleven-year-old.

Another suspect, described as “in his early 20s,” was detained by lifeguards at the pool, but in the ensuing tumult, managed to slip away.

All of the attackers were described as “speaking Arabic,” Heinz continued, adding that police had issued an appeal for other possible victims to come forward.

The police were first summoned to the pool on account of the behavior of an invader “asylum seeker” from Mali who, along with 30 others, had engaged in assaults and attacks on other bathers and lifeguards.

The Malian, who claimed to be 17-years-old—but who overpowered and injured two officers before reinforcements arrived—had got into a standoff with lifeguards who had called the police. It was while investigating this attack that the young girls’ parents came forward to report the sex attacks.

Green Party Kirchheimer mayor Angelika Matt-Heidecker—whose party’s policies are the cause of the assaults—said she was “appalled” by the attacks

“We will have to crack down,” she told the Stuttgarter Nachrichten. “It is unacceptable that parents have to be afraid to let their children go to the swimming pool.”

Her answer to the attacks is to make sure that there are “security guards” present at the pool in the future, she added.

She also said that the “asylum seekers” would be told that this was unacceptable behavior, and when the newspaper pointed out to her that the “rules of conduct” had already been issued to them several times, but had “apparently not produced the desired effect,” Matt-Heidecker said it had to be made clear to them “how we live together here. And those who do not understand this, cannot stay here.”

SOURCE: http://newobserveronline.com/new-asylum-seeker-group-sex-attack/
2016-07-23 02:48:43 UTC

German authorities responded to a Muslim migrant’s stabbing spree by calling for all children to attend mandatory classes on Islam.

Local authorities are calling for classes on Islam to be brought in at schools across the country after a radicalized Muslim youth attacked passengers on a train with an axe on Monday.

“It is appropriate to bring in classes on Islam in state schools or schools overseen by the state,” Gerd Landsberg, head of the association of local councils, told the Rheinische Post on Wednesday.

In this way the state can gain more control over the upbringing of Muslim youths, Landsberg said.

[…]Senior figures in the church had already called at the end of May for Islam classes to become compulsory at schools.

The head of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, said that religious education was the best way to immunize Muslim youths against the dangers of Islamist fundamentalism.

In response to a terror attack by a young Muslim man, Germany is going to further indoctrinate their own children into Islamism, supposedly to combat extremism.

MORE: http://www.blacklistednews.com/German_Officials_Respond_to_Migrant%E2%80%99s_Axe_Attack_by_Calling_for_%E2%80%98Mandatory_Islam_Classes%E2%80%99/52889/0/38/38/Y/M.html
2016-07-27 15:58:24 UTC
Did You Know That Sex with a Goat is Allowed Under Islam?

It’s true! Just don’t tell anyone because some Muslims get really cranky when this type of information is broadcast around.

According to Dr. Zakir Naik – a noted Quranic scholar – there are several things the world needs to know about Islam. First, I’m amazed that anyone within the confines of Islam would be so bold as to say some of the things. Second, I’m even more amazed that after hearing them, most of the world continues on as if these things are normal.

There is something peculiarly odd about the fact that Islam – being such an antiquated and barbaric ideology – can exist in the 21st century alongside the modern world and not be condemned by everyone. Instead, leader after leader of many nations simply accepts what is known about Islam as a type of normal…for Muslims. Do you wonder why that wholesale acceptance exists? $$$

When we talk of the barbarism, acts of violence, the lack of compassion, and even the ill treatment of women, gays, and those outside of Islam, the world literally yawns. They simply point to Christianity as an example of barbarous practices from the past that Islam does today. That can only mean then that if Christians did what Muslims do today, are we to assume that it would be acceptable practice now? Hardly. Fuggetaboutit.

Why does the world – when being shown Islam for what it is – immediately try to turn the attention back on Christians, as if past mistakes are still happening in today’s world? The truth is that no one excuses the past sins of Christians (and they shouldn’t), but by pointing to Christian excesses and violence, though they condemn that, they do no such thing to Islam! They don’t even realize their own duplicity.

Islam has some of the most repressive and backwards beliefs of any ideology. This is not to say that all Muslims believe as one because there are groups and factions within Islam to be sure. However, there is a very large group of Muslims within Islam who take the Qur’an literally and because of that, believe that imitating Muhammad is key. We are not talking about a “few” individuals here. We are talking about millions. The two main sects of Islam are the Sunni and the Shi’ite, each totaling in the millions.

There are imams (religious leaders) for both groups who interpret the Qur’an according to their own set of Islamic beliefs. Not all imams agree. However, because lying (or deception) is useful to Muslims and encouraged by leadership, it is almost impossible to know who is telling us the truth about themselves and what they believe.

Dr. Zakir Naik has spoken on many aspects of Islam and is known for his authoritative viewpoint on all things Islam. He has said some of the most outrageous things going, yet the world hardly notices him. He recently said that the movie Gravity should be condemned because it showed the earth as spherical, not flat.

Not long ago, he also stated that a man can have sex with a sheep or goat as a way of dealing with his “lust.” Essentially, this allows the male Muslim to have sex with an animal (beastiality) if a woman is not available. There are a few conditions though.

the sheep or goat must be killed afterwards because it is now tainted, and
the meat cannot be eaten by the people in that particular village though it can be sold to a neighboring village

I’m wondering why the animal is tainted after a Muslim man has sex with it? If this is acceptable practice under Islam, then why must the animal be killed? It simply doesn’t make sense. Then again, telling Muslim men that’s it okay to have sex with an animal doesn’t make sense either, but that’s just me.

In Islam, it is fine and expected to practice the brutal arts of execution by stoning when a person is caught in adultery. A person is buried in the ground waste high with her hands buried at her sides. A circle is made around the victim from which the rock throwers may not pass. They must remain outside that circle. Rocks are then thrown at the half-buried person until she is dead.

If you are gay in an Islamic country and you are discovered, prepare to be executed, either by hanging or stoning. However, if you’re just having sex with a sheep or goat, no worries. But do remember to kill the freakin’ goat, all right? Thanks!

Why is Islam given a pass on these and other things? It’s almost as if it is being protected.

What I find most annoying is the fact that rumors persist alleging that social network sites are starting to clamp down on those people who are critical of Islam. If true, then the question is why would they do that? Out of the so-called goodness of their hearts? No, it has to be something bigger – $$$?

Though we have quotes from individuals like Dr. Zakir Naik and I’m simply repeating what he has stated, this article is certainly critical of Islam though it contains the truth of what at least some within Islam teach and practice.

There is a new paradigm that is being lifted up and even emulated here in the West. That paradigm is the Islamic one, where atrocities are either ignored or explained away with lies. If allowed, Islam will return this world to a state of unending brutality and barbarism. For money, many are selling their souls to Islam and not looking back.

Time to out Islam for what it is – an evil, barbaric ideology that believes it will one day rule the world with Sharia law. You want that?

SOURCE: http://newsninja2012.com/did-you-know-that-sex-with-a-goat-is-allowed-under-islam/
2016-08-07 04:45:53 UTC
Europe in 2022

World War 3 comes to an end
Rahm Emmanuel is named emperor of eurabia but quickly gives up his throne to Husein Obama who give it to Michael.
Death toll 3Billion mostly white males
Surprisingly no nukes were used
While the white men were at battle their wives bred with the arabs an african migrants living in europe, such activity was highly encouraged by media.
USA is broken up in 3. The southwest is given to mexico, southeast is its own country called Estados Latinos, everything north of kentucky including canada is the united states with Hillary as the president.

The world population is now 4 billion and of that 95% are non-white, guns are made illegal, age of consent is lowered to 9,bestiality legal,pedophilia legal,owning property ilegal.

SOURCE: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3255813/pg1
2016-08-07 13:56:25 UTC

Blonde girls breeding with dindus at rapid pace...
2016-08-08 01:41:43 UTC
Czech President Urges Citizens To Arm Themselves, Fight Terrorists, Close Borders

Speaking in an interview in the wake of a fortnight of terror attacks in Europe, the president of the Czech Republic has said the only solution to terrorism is removing the cause — deporting failed migrants — and has said in the meanwhile citizens need to be armed and ready to defend themselves and others.

Expressing his concern that the ancient Prague castle — his official government home and major tourist attraction — the city railway station, or the subway could be attractive terror targets, Czech president Miloš Zeman suggested a raft of policy changes to help defend the nation.

Noting that he had before the recent terror attacks committed predominantly by Muslim first and second generation migrants, been against the proliferation of firearms, the president said in an interview with Czechia’s Blesk that citizens should consider carrying their pistols in public. Remarking that he’d already bought his wife a handgun, he told the paper:

“I really think that citizens should arm themselves against terrorists. And I honestly admit that I changed my mind, because previously I was against [citizens] having too many weapons. After these attacks, I don’t think so [anymore]”.

The Czech president said he was now in favour of arming the population over “the long term” and said he was convinced that if any of the revellers at the Bataclan music venue in Paris had been carrying a gun in their pocket when it was attacked by Islamist killers, there would have been fewer casualties.

Comparing the potential situation with Israel where he said “almost every man walks with a machine gun over his shoulder”, those people who already “legally hold weapons” and had already gone through the rigorous security checks should be allowed to continue doing so. In his interview President Zeman specifically took aim at the European Union (EU) which is using the recent terror attacks as a pretext to curtail gun ownership.

Rejecting the plan, he said: “It is important that their right [to own and carry firearms] is not hindered as proposed recently by the European Commission. I am glad the Czech Republic is defending against this.”

President Zeman recognised that those who hadn’t carried their firearm, which may have been owned for sporting purposes before, may find taking it out daily strange or uncomfortable, but he said there was a greater good to be served. He remarked: “These people will have to get used to the fact that their weapon can’t be hidden in a cupboard at home. Not machine guns, but a pistol, for example. And that [pistol], where necessary, will have to be ready for a situation where it has to be used.”

The Czech president also said his nation had to return failed asylum seekers to protect the nation, a comment perhaps made with an eye on those who had not succeeded in their bid to gain a right to remain in Western nations and decided to exact revenge instead. One such was a suicide bomber in Germany in July who attempted to bomb a music festival as he faced deportation, and another was failed asylum seeker Abraham Ukbagabir who killed two people in a Swedish IKEA store in August 2015.

Yet since the interview at the weekend President Zeman has gone further, with a government spokesman announcing on Tuesday that he wanted to block all “refugees” from entering the Czech Republic. Mr. Zeman’s spokesman, Jiri Ovcacek, told media: “Our country simply cannot afford to risk terrorist attacks like what occurred in France and Germany. By accepting migrants we would create fertile ground for barbaric attacks,” reports Deutsche Welle.

As reported by Breitbart London, Mr. Zeman has previously called the migrant crisis an “organised invasion”, and said given that the “large majority of the illegal migrants are young men in good health, and single”, they would be better off going home to fight for the freedom of their own nations rather than staying in Europe. He compared the situation to Czech refugees who went to Britain during the Nazi occupation of their nation during the Second World War.

Rather than “receive social benefits”, he said they regrouped and fought to liberate their own country instead.

SOURCE: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/08/03/czech-president-urges-citizens-arm-fight-terrorists/
2016-08-08 14:38:14 UTC
Post by Taka
Czech President Urges Citizens To Arm Themselves, Fight Terrorists, Close Borders
Speaking in an interview in the wake of a fortnight of terror attacks in Europe, the president of the Czech Republic has said the only solution to terrorism is removing the cause — deporting failed migrants — and has said in the meanwhile citizens need to be armed and ready to defend themselves and others.
Expressing his concern that the ancient Prague castle — his official government home and major tourist attraction — the city railway station, or the subway could be attractive terror targets, Czech president Miloš Zeman suggested a raft of policy changes to help defend the nation.
“I really think that citizens should arm themselves against terrorists. And I honestly admit that I changed my mind, because previously I was against [citizens] having too many weapons. After these attacks, I don’t think so [anymore]”.
The Czech president said he was now in favour of arming the population over “the long term” and said he was convinced that if any of the revellers at the Bataclan music venue in Paris had been carrying a gun in their pocket when it was attacked by Islamist killers, there would have been fewer casualties.
Comparing the potential situation with Israel where he said “almost every man walks with a machine gun over his shoulder”, those people who already “legally hold weapons” and had already gone through the rigorous security checks should be allowed to continue doing so. In his interview President Zeman specifically took aim at the European Union (EU) which is using the recent terror attacks as a pretext to curtail gun ownership.
Rejecting the plan, he said: “It is important that their right [to own and carry firearms] is not hindered as proposed recently by the European Commission. I am glad the Czech Republic is defending against this.”
President Zeman recognised that those who hadn’t carried their firearm, which may have been owned for sporting purposes before, may find taking it out daily strange or uncomfortable, but he said there was a greater good to be served. He remarked: “These people will have to get used to the fact that their weapon can’t be hidden in a cupboard at home. Not machine guns, but a pistol, for example. And that [pistol], where necessary, will have to be ready for a situation where it has to be used.”
The Czech president also said his nation had to return failed asylum seekers to protect the nation, a comment perhaps made with an eye on those who had not succeeded in their bid to gain a right to remain in Western nations and decided to exact revenge instead. One such was a suicide bomber in Germany in July who attempted to bomb a music festival as he faced deportation, and another was failed asylum seeker Abraham Ukbagabir who killed two people in a Swedish IKEA store in August 2015.
Yet since the interview at the weekend President Zeman has gone further, with a government spokesman announcing on Tuesday that he wanted to block all “refugees” from entering the Czech Republic. Mr. Zeman’s spokesman, Jiri Ovcacek, told media: “Our country simply cannot afford to risk terrorist attacks like what occurred in France and Germany. By accepting migrants we would create fertile ground for barbaric attacks,” reports Deutsche Welle.
As reported by Breitbart London, Mr. Zeman has previously called the migrant crisis an “organised invasion”, and said given that the “large majority of the illegal migrants are young men in good health, and single”, they would be better off going home to fight for the freedom of their own nations rather than staying in Europe. He compared the situation to Czech refugees who went to Britain during the Nazi occupation of their nation during the Second World War.
Rather than “receive social benefits”, he said they regrouped and fought to liberate their own country instead.
SOURCE: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/08/03/czech-president-urges-citizens-arm-fight-terrorists/
A hope to save the World from Islam?

2016-08-19 06:37:41 UTC
Senior Muslim Cleric: Universal Female Genital Mutilation ‘Would Be Very Good’

A senior Muslim cleric in Russia has suggested that universal female genital mutilation (FGM) would be a positive development, after a rights group released a report denouncing the practice earlier this week.

Female genital mutilation does not pose health risks and “does not contradict the dogmas of Islam,” said Mufti Ismail Berdiyev, the head of the North Caucasus Muslim Coordination Center.

Berdiyev said Wednesday that if FGM “could be applied to all women, that would be very good.” FGM does not stop women from fulfilling their ordained role of motherhood, he added, and if all women were circumcised, “there would be less fornication.”

“As far as I know it is done in order to tame women’s desire a bit. It is absolutely harmless to health,” Berdiev declared in an interview with the Govorit Moskva radio.

The mufti’s comments followed the release of a report condemning female genital mutilation in remote communities of the Republic of Dagestan. The report, which refers to FGM as a “malicious and perverted practice,” was published by the Russian Justice Initiative, a Russian human rights NGO.

The practice of FGM ranges from pricking the clitoris to the complete removal of external female genitalia, and often causes infections and loss of sensation.

A Russian Orthodox cleric known for his controversial remarks, Vsevolod Chaplin, backed up Berdiyev saying that Muslims had a right to a “time-honored tradition.”

“You probably don’t need to circumcise all women. There’s no need with Orthodox women as they don’t fornicate anyway,” he said.

FGM has come under extensive scrutiny in recent years, with UN chief Ban Ki-Moon launching a global campaign in 2015 to end it. “The first steps towards the total eradication of the practice of female genital mutilation should be the rejection of silence and debunking the myths associated with this practice,” Ban said.

On Wednesday, Mufti Berdiyev walked back his earlier remarks after being threatened with criminal prosecution. In reaction to the mounting scandal at his words, he said that he was not calling for all women in the world to be circumcised, since “it would be impossible.”

When pressured further in an interview with “Medusa,” the mufti retreated further from his position, saying that his words had been a “joke.”

“I jokingly said it would be good if that happened everywhere. But people don’t understand,” he said.

UNICEF has estimated that some 200 million girls in the world have been subjected to genital mutilation, 44 million of whom are younger than 15.

More than half of the total figure are living in the Muslim-dominated countries of Indonesia, Egypt and Ethiopia.

SOURCE: http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/08/18/senior-muslim-cleric-calls-universal-female-genital-mutilation/


Why not castrate all the muzzy men! The world would benefit from the peace, and the goats would be much safer!
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